
Abraham Lincoln's "House Divided Speech"


(摘自美國時任參議員林肯1858年之The House Divided Speech)


A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved … but I do expect it will cease to be divided.


美國的南北戰爭,令國家撕裂,起因在於雙方對待黑奴的取態大相逕庭。A house divided against itself 的 House,既指家庭,也指國會。從林肯的發言可知,他認為國中有人比別人更自由的局面難以維持。


你可能會問:I expect已代表「我期望」,為何要在動詞前再加do?原來是為了加強語氣,表示誠懇和堅決。譬如男朋友會跟女朋友情深款款的說:

I do love you.



I do expect you to finish your homework.