


A terminally ill man who is challenging the law on assisted suicide has asked judges to acknowledge his “basic right to die” and to envisage themselves in his position.




terminally (adverb) 處於晚期

terminally ill 病入膏肓


例子:She is terminally ill. 她的病已經到了晚期。


terminal (adjective)

例子:He was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. 他被確診患上末期肺癌。

例子:My trip is on the terminal leg. 我的旅程到了終站。

例子:The company business is in terminal decline. 公司的業務到了無可挽救的地步。


assisted suicide 協助自殺(安樂死)


例子:The doctor has been involved in several assisted suicides. 這位醫生已替好幾位病人安樂死。


► euthanasia 安樂死

► mercy killing 安樂死


suicide (noun) 自殺


例子:She committed suicide. 她自殺了。

例子:Accepting money support is political suicide. 接受政治捐獻等於政治自殺。


suicide (adjective)自殺的


例子:Did she leave a suicide note? 她有沒有留下遺書?


envisage (verb) 想像


例子:I envisage a day when everyone has their own house. 我想像某一天,每個人都有自己的房屋。

例子:When do you envisage finishing the project? 你預計什麼時候完成這項計劃?

例子:It’s hard to envisage how it might happen. 很難想像事件會怎樣發生。


Mr. Conway said, “The greatest fear I have is still being alive but not able to use my body. I want to end my life with dignity, cleanly and in full consciousness; I don’t want to linger on for weeks.”

Mr. Conway表示,他最大的恐懼是仍然生存,但不能控制身體。他希望在有尊嚴、有意識的情況下,撇脫地結束生命,不想蹉跎好幾個星期。



dignity (noun) 尊嚴


例子:He showed dignity in defeat. 他雖敗猶榮。

例子:She maintained her dignity throughout the trial. 在審訊過程中,她始終不失尊嚴。

例子:The ceremony was conducted with great dignity. 儀式在莊嚴氣氛下進行。


conscious (adjective) 神志清醒的/有意識的


► to be fully conscious 完全清醒的

► to be conscious of sth. 意識到某物

► To be environmentally / socially conscious 有環保/社會意識的


例子:Mary was fully conscious when we found her in the room. 當我們在房間內找到Mary時,她神志完全清醒。

例子:Peter is very conscious of how late it is.  Peter清楚意識到現在有多晚。

例子:Becoming the director of the company was a goal he had consciously pursued for 10 years. 十年來,他目標明確,一心成為公司的總裁。


linger (verb) 逗留/徘徊


例子:She lingered beside the grave of her mother. 她在母親墓旁徘徊。

例子:Let your eyes linger over the view. 慢慢欣賞美景吧。

例子:They lingered away the whole evening at the bar. 他們在酒吧消磨整整一個晚上。

例子:The smell of her perfume lingered for long even she left the room. 她離開房間後,房內仍然殘留她的香水氣味。




Q1: To the pro-euthanasia advocates, who are the people ‘eligible’ to receive assisted death?

Q2: Which two countries’ examples do the anti-assisted suicide group cite to explain the downside of euthanasia?


euthanasia (noun) 安樂死

► euthanize (verb) 進行安樂死


A SONG FOR YOU - Mercy Killing” by Dream Academy


mercy (noun)慈悲,憐憫;仁慈,寬容


例子:She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband. 她請求法官寬恕她的丈夫。

例子:The prisoners pleaded for mercy. 囚犯都懇求從輕發落。

例子:The gunmen showed no mercy, killing innocent men and women. 那些槍手毫無憐憫之心,濫殺無辜男女。


> be at the mercy of sb. / sth. 任由…擺布,完全受…的支配

例子:Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders. 窮人被放債人擺布的情況日益嚴重。

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