
Syrian refugee found new life in Canada


The Syrian refugee – who made global headlines after becoming stranded in a Malaysian airport for more than eight months in 2018 – is so busy with media requests that he jokes he has only managed to get out into the snow a handful of times.



make headlines / hit the headlines突然成為媒體頭條,受到媒體強烈關注

e.g. He hit the headlines two years ago when he was arrested for selling drugs to the mayor's nephew.



stranded(因缺乏交通工具、金錢等)滯留的,被困住的 (adj)

e.g. He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.



e.g. If the tide comes in, we'll be stranded on these rocks.



handful (n)

1. 少數,少量 = a few

e.g. She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.


2. 一把(之量)

e.g. He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.


3. 難對付的人(常指小孩)

e.g. Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful.


He always carries the weight of knowing that though he has made it to safety, many others have not. 



carry the weight = 有心理負擔 / feeling guilty

> be/ take a weight out of one’s mind 消除煩惱;解除思想負擔

e.g. It's a great weight off my mind to know that the building is finally finished.



weight 重要性;影響;分量 (noun) = INFLUENCE

e.g. Her experience does give her opinions quite a bit of weight.



e.g. After he was voted out of office, few people attached much weight to what he said. 他落選下臺後,就沒甚麼人重視他所說的話了。


e.g. Radical views don't carry much weight any more.  激進的觀點影響力不再那麼大了。


Make it to safety 得救/到安全地方


safety 安全,平安 (noun)

e.g. For your safety, we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight. 爲了您的安全,我們建議您在飛行期間繫好安全帶。

> There’s safety in numbers. 人多好辦事。


He fights the negativity by trying to find solutions. He lobbies on behalf of detainees in Manus Island, Australia’s offshore detention centre, speaks in Canadian schools about his experience and is using his story to push wider knowledge about what is happening back at home in Syria.



negativity 消極的態度 (noun)

e.g. There's too much negativity in the world today.



lobby 遊說,試圖說服(政客、政府或官方團體)(verb)

e.g. Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.



e.g. Local residents lobbied to have the factory shut down.



Listening comprehension

1. Why is Kontar reluctant to return to Syria in 2011? 

2. How many countries did he try other than Malaysia? 


“Hero” by Mariah Carey


And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside

And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone

Look inside you and be strong

And you'll finally see the truth

That a hero lies in you, oh, oh


come along (phrasal verb)

1. 到達;出現

e.g. Go now and I'll come along later. 你現在走,我隨後就到。

e.g. You wait half an hour for a bus, then three come along at once! 等巴士等了足足半個小時,一來便來三輛!



2. 跟隨,一同去

e.g. We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along?



3. (UK) used to tell someone to hurry (用於催促)快,趕快

e.g. Come along - we don't want to be late!


cast sth aside / away / off 拋棄;擺脫;把…丟在一旁 (phrasal verb, FORMAL)

e.g. You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge.



e.g. Barriers to women in sport are being cast away.



lie (in) 存在,在 (verb)

e.g. The hardest part of the competition still lies ahead of us.


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