The 95th Anniversary of Public Broadcasting
Pet Show

「香港電台公共廣播九十五年 《一世睇住你》寵物派對」已於4月30日(星期日)順利舉行。

現場觀眾反應熱烈,各個參賽毛孩悉心打扮,華麗地行Catwalk!還有其他精彩活動,供市民欣賞同樂。慶賀儀式由香港電台助理廣播處長(電視及機構業務)陳俊樂、藝人顧定軒、陳葦璇、專業瑜伽導師 Tanya、專業犬隻訓練導師 Heyton,以及香港導盲犬服務中心義工 Ivy一起主持。至於《一世睇住你》寵物派對「最佳造型獎」由飛機師餅餅奪得。

"The 95th Anniversary of Public Broadcasting - Pet Show" was successfully held on April 30 (Sunday).

The audience responded enthusiastically. All the contestants for the catwalk show were gorgeously dressed up. And there were many other exciting activities and performances for the public to enjoy. The celebration ceremony was presided over by Natalie Chan, Assistant Director (TV & Corporate Businesses) of Radio Television Hong Kong, artists Zeno Koo and Kira Chan, professional yoga instructor, Tanya, professional dog trainer, Heyton, and volunteer Ivy of HKSEDS. The Poodle "餅餅" which dressed up as a pilot won the "Best Looking Award".

主題 | Theme


The theme of the contest is “95”.

優異參賽者 | Outstanding Entries

Lulu Cat 芝麻露

其他參賽作品 | Other Entries

其他參賽作品 | Other Entries

評分標準 | Marking Criteria


Submission will be scored based on creativity, relevancy, modeling style, attractiveness and overall impression. 10 points for each item.

截止報名日期 | Deadline for Submission


20th March 2023, Monday

參賽方式 | Submission Requirements


Only cats and dogs are eligible for the contest.

Please fill in the online form, and upload the photo of your pet to compete.

詳情 | How to Enter


Shortlisted entries will be announced and displayed on RTHK’s facebook for online voting. Participant with the most “LIKE” will win the “Best Popularity Award”, along with a secret gift and 95A souvenir. Other pets with outstanding photos will be invited to the Catwalk show at the 95th Anniversary Pet Show in April, and compete for the “Best Looking Award”.

獎品 | Award


【網上人氣大奬】得獎者將會獲得 港幣$1000
【最佳造型大奬】得獎者將會獲得 港幣$2000

Shortlisted contestants will be invited to participate at our CATWALK show and be broadcasted on TV.

“Best Popularity Award” winner will be awarded HKD$1000
“Best Looking Award” winner will be awarded HKD$2000

時間表 | Timetable

20/2 - 20/3 網上招募開始
Entries Submission
20/3 (HKT 2359前 | till HKT 2359) 最後報名限期
Deadline for Submission
24/3 - 13/4 開放網上投選 【網上人氣大奬】
Shortlisted entries will be posted online for voting (Compete for “Best Popularity Award”)
14/4 公布【網上人氣大奬】得奬者
公布十名優異參賽者,並邀請在K11 MUSEA 舉行之寵物派對CATWALK表演,競逐【最佳造型大奬】
Announcement of the winner of “Best Popularity Award”
Announcement of the 10 outstanding entries that would attend the CATWALK SHOW at K11 MUSEA to compete for “Best Looking Award”

查詢電郵 | Enquiry Email

比賽細則 | Rules and Regulations

  • 香港電台為「公共廣播九十五年《一世睇住你》寵物派對」之主辦機構。
  • 如參賽作品違反本參賽詳情及規則,主辦機構有權取消其參賽資格。主辦機構的決定為最終及不可推翻。
  • 參賽者遞交作品後,即表示已閱讀並同意比賽的所有規則及條款。如參賽詳情及規則之中英文版本有所差異,一切以中文版本為準。
  • 主辦機構有唯一及最終決定權處理一切沒有在參賽詳情及規則、報名表格內提及之事宜。主辦機構保留不時修訂該等規則及表格之權利。
  • 每隻寵物只可參加一次,即投稿一張相片。
  • 寵物裝扮不限,請以不傷害寵物為原則。
  • 變裝內容不可有違風俗或涉及暴力,主辦機構有權取消其參賽資格,參賽單位不得異議。
  • 參賽者需確認所提交之作品沒有抵觸任何版權間題或負起由此而起的責任。
  • 主辦機構保留展出及發佈參賽者提交相片之權利。使用於相關宣傳時,將不另行通知或支付費用。
  • 網上人氣大獎得獎者必須出席參與現場CATWALK,方可獲獎。
  • 本比賽屬趣味競賽性質,入圍結果依主辦機構評審代表裁定。
  • 主辦機構保留變更活動細節之權利,以及對此項比賽的細則及結果保留最終決定權,如有任何變動,不作另行通知。
  • Radio Television Hong Kong is the Organiser of The 95th Anniversary of Public Broadcasting - Pet Show: Masquerade Contest Recruitment.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the entries if they violate the details and rules of the contest. The decision of the Organiser shall be final and conclusive.
  • By submitting the entries, you have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions of the competition. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of the competition, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  • The Organiser has the sole and final decision to deal with all matters not mentioned in the Contest Details and Rules and Submission Form. The Organiser reserves the right to amend these rules and from time to time.
  • One entry per pet only & one photo for one entry.
  • To encourage creativity, there is no limit to the costumes. Please take the principle of not harming the pets.
  • Please do not violate customs or involve violence.
  • Contestants are required to confirm that the submitted photos do not conflict with any copyright issues or assume any liability therefrom.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to exhibit and publish the participants’ photos, without prior notice and would not offer any fee.
  • The winner of the “Best Popularity Award” must participate at the CATWALK show.
  • This competition is merely for fun, the results are determined by the Organiser’s jury panel.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the results and the arrangement of this contest and the catwalk event at K11 MUSEA without further notice.