Application closed.
Thank you for your enthusiastic support!
To arouse young talents’ interest in TV production, Radio Television Hong Kong is pleased to launch the “In Search of English Programme Presenters” event. It aims to let young people have hands-on experience as presenters in TV production. At the same time, RTHK will select talents with exceptional potential to host our English TV programmes. Send in your application via the e-form on this webpage! New TV hosts are in the making! It could be you!!
Entry Requirements | 參加資格
- Aged 15 or above
- Speak fluent English
- Participants with experience in any type of media production would be a plus
- 15歲或以上
- 能操流利英語
- 具備媒體製作經驗更佳
How to Enrol | 報名須知
- Applicants should complete an online form, including the following personal data: name, sex, phone, email, height, weight, school name and class etc.
- Upload a full-body image (JPG / PNG)
- Upload a 30-second English self-introductory video(MOV / MP4, including personal background, hobbies, goals and expectations to this event etc.)
- 參加者必須填寫網上表格提交個人資料(包括姓名、性別、聯絡電話、電郵、身高、體重、學校名稱、班級等)
- 上傳一張全身個人照片(JPG / PNG)
- 拍攝30秒展現個人魅力的英語自我介紹短片(MOV / MP4,內容包括個人背景簡介、興趣、參加活動目的和期望等)
Event Details | 活動詳情
- Open for application from now on.
- Selected applicants will be notified for casting.
- Selected applicants will be presented with certificates and may have an opportunity to host RTHK English TV programmes.
- 現已接受報名
- 入圍者將獲專人通知試鏡安排
- 入圍者將獲發證書乙張,更有機會參與香港電台英語電視節目製作