2025-26年度財政預算案 The 2025 - 26 Budget
財政司司長陳茂波公佈財政預算案2025,焦點的「2 元乘車優惠」限每月搭240次,公務員凍薪及削一萬職位,400萬物業印花稅減至100元,取消2500元學生津貼,其他大眾關注重點還有:
Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, delivered the 2025-26 Budget. Key measures include new limits to the "HK$2 trip"; freezing civil service salaries and cutting 10,000 positions; $100 stamp duty for properties value under HK$4 million; and canceling the universal student grant. He also announced a range of measures to benefit the people and to boost revenues.
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