


breast cancer 乳癌

例子:Angelina Jolie revealed that she has had a preventive double mastectomy to reduce her risk of developing breast cancer.


mastectomy 乳房切除手術


anatomy 解剖學        

例子:human anatomy, animal anatomy


其實anatomy 不止解解剖學,亦指剖析問題。


the anatomy of something 剖析 (= the study/examination of something)

例子:This best-seller is on the anatomy of our mysterious universe.




reveal  揭露

(verb 動詞)

例子:The latest medical report has revealed that there has been an increase in women under the age of 30 who are diagnosed with breast cancer.


revelation 揭露

(noun 名詞)

例子:Jolie’s revelation of her mastectomy has sparked off a widespread public discussion on breast cancer.


genetic mutation 基因異變/ faulty gene壞基因

例子:A genetic screening test determined that Jolie carried a genetic mutation/faulty gene that elevated her chances of developing breast or ovarian cancer.   


跟 elevate 有關的詞語:


elevate 提升

(verb 動詞)

例子:Their purpose is to elevate AIDS to the top of public concern.


elevated (adjective 形容詞) thoughts or words 才智、品德超然的思想/ 說話

例子:All students were inspired by the professor’s elevated ideas at the seminar.


elevation 提升

(noun 名詞)

例子:The film contributed to her sudden elevation to international stardom.


medical consultation 醫療諮詢

例子:We urge anyone who is worried about their risk of breast cancer to seek medical consultation from their doctor.


 Risk 的配搭用語:


increase/reduce the risk of something 令某事的風險上升/下降

例子:Smoking largely increases the risk of lung cancer.


an element of risk 有一點點風險,但不多

例子:There is an element of risk in any kind of investment. 


a calculated risk 計算之內的風險

► a risk that you think will have a good result

例子:It was a calculated risk to appoint him to such a senior post.

calculating (adjective 形容詞) 斤斤計較的


the benefits outweigh the risks 利多於弊

例子:The benefits to Jolie’s courageous decision far outweigh the risks.       


implant 植入物

(noun 名詞)


例子:Jolie has undergone three operations to remove breast tissue and replace it with implants.


Implant 的詞性變化:


’implant (n.) vs. im’plant (v.)


重音不同,詞性也會改變啊!譬如把重音放在 im,解作「植入物」,是名詞;要是我們把重音放在 plant,就指「植入」,是動詞。


例子:silicone breast ‘implant (n.)

例子:Silicone has to be implanted into the breasts.


implantation 植入手術

(noun 名詞)


例子:The last stage of mastectomy is the implantation of silicone into the breasts.


the shadow of something 陰霾


例子:Jolie chose not to keep her story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer.

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