
Escape the corset


Women sick of the laborious routine have started to post videos on social media of destroyed piles of cosmetics with the catch-cry “escape the corset”, likening makeup to the garments that were part of daily women’s garments for years and worked to constrain bodies into a uniform shape.



laborious (adj.) 耗時費力的;艱巨的,艱難的

a laborious task 艱巨的任務

vs. labour-saving




  1. 勞動;(尤指)體力勞動

e.g. The car parts themselves are not expensive, it's the labour that costs the money.



e.g. manual labour (= hard work using the hands) 體力勞動

e.g. One theme running through the movement is the idea of a beauty regimen as a form of labour, one that only women are expected to perform and for which they are in no way compensated.


> labour of love 出於愛好而做的困難工作;甘願做的事

e.g. He's always working on his car - it's a labour of love.



  1. (尤指做體力工作的)工人,勞工

skilled/unskilled labour



catch-cry (n.) 旗號 / 口號 / 號召

= a distinctive word or expression (as a catchword or slogan) serving to attract attention or rally support

corset (n.) (尤指過去女子用來束腰以顯得苗條的)緊身褡 ,腰封


While every country has its own sense of what is ideal, South Korea’s strong conformist streak has led to millions striving to achieve the same look.



conformist (adj.) 循規蹈矩的人,墨守成規的人;隨波逐流者


> conformity (n.)



e.g. It's depressing how much conformity there is in such young children.



e.g. Our goal is to improve conformity with customer requirements.



conform to / with (v.) 遵守,遵照;符合,達到;依照

e.g. Before buying the baby's car seat , make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.



e.g. Members have to conform to a strict dress code.



streak (n.)




e.g. Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult to work with sometimes.



e.g. You need to have a competitive streak when you're working in marketing.



2. 一陣好運;一陣衰運

e.g. I just hope my lucky streak continues until the world championships.



e.g. Their longest losing streak has been three games.



e.g. After winning a couple of bets, he thought he was on a winning streak.



Rejecting makeup is only part of the campaign against prevailing beauty standards. A Korean news anchor at one of the country’s main televisions stations sparked a flurry of debate in May when she became the first woman to wear glasses on air.



flurry (n.)


1. 一陣忙亂(或激動、關注)

e.g. The prince's words on marriage have prompted a flurry of speculation in the press this week.



a flurry of activity 一陣忙亂


2. 小陣雪

e.g. We might see a snow flurry or two tonight.


A Song For You – “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga


Give yourself prudence

And love your friends

So we can rejoice your truth

In the religion of the insecure

I must be myself, respect my youth

A different lover is not a sin


Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)

I love my life I love this record and

Mi amore vole fe, yah

I'm beautiful in my way

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way


Don't hide yourself in regret

Just love yourself and you're set

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way



prudence (n.) 穩妥

e.g. The challenge we are trying to meet is balancing financial prudence with the need for success.


to be set (adj.)


1. 準備好的,預先準備的

e.g. At the start of the race, the starter said "On your marks, get set, go".


e.g. Shall we go now - is everyone set?



e.g. Is everything all set for the party?


2. 可能的;在適當條件下的

e.g. He looks set to become world champion again this year.


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