
Legalization of Cannabis in Canada


The company has had staff refreshing the government supply website in the early hours to snap up scarce new stock as soon as it's available, and is considering restricting store hours.



refresh (v.)


1. computers :  Try refreshing [=reloading] the home page.


2. to make (someone) have more energy and feel less tired or less hot

e.g. A hot shower should refresh you. [=make you feel better]


3. to give someone more of (a drink) : to fill (someone's glass, cup, etc.) again

e.g. Can I refresh your drink? [=would you like me to fill your glass again?]


4. refresh someone’s memory

e.g. I cannot remember what has happened at that time. Can you refresh my memory? [=can you remind me?]


refreshing (adj.) 提神,涼爽,給人新鮮感

e.g. It is refreshing to hear the good news from Mary that her baby is born. 聽到Mary的BB出世的消息令人精神為之一振。

e.g.   it makes a refreshing change. 這帶來了別開生面的變化。

e.g. Doing exercise in the morning make me feel very refreshing. 早上做運動讓人精神抖擻。

e.g.  refreshing glass of soft drink  讓人感到涼快的汽水


snap up [phrasal verb]

: to buy or take (something or someone) quickly or eagerly


e.g. Many customers come to the store to snap up bargains during the Christmas season.



snap (v.)

1. (to break quickly with a short, sharp sound)

e.g. The tree branch snapped and fell to the ground suddenly.  樹枝突然斷裂跌在地上。


2. (to turn (something) on or off with a switch)

          > snap on/off the lights


3. (to use your thumb and fingers to make a short, sharp sound)

e.g. She snapped her fingers to get the waiter's attention.

e.g. People in the audience snapped to the beat.


4.(to speak using short, angry sentences or phrases) — usually + at

e.g. John and Alison argued and snapped at each other.


5. (to suddenly no longer be able to control your emotions because of a difficult situation, circumstance)

e.g. Her temper snapped under the pressure of the job. 她在工作壓力下導致情緒失控。


6.(to try to bite someone or something suddenly and quickly — usually + at)

e.g. The cat snaps at a fly. 猫突然猛咬那隻蒼蠅。


7. Snap to it! 加把勁!


8. Snap out of it! 振作起來!


 snap (n.)

1. 啪的一聲

with a snap 啪的一聲

the snap of a twig 小樹枝的喀嚓聲


2. 快照

a snap shot / to take a snap 拍快照


3. US, informal : a small amount of time

e.g. I'll be ready in a snap.


4. 容易的事

it is a snap doing sth. or to do sth. 做某事很容易

e.g. This job's a snap! 這活兒不過是小菜一碟!


5. 勁頭

e.g. The team has plenty of snap in the match.  團隊在比賽當中勁頭十足。



Health Canada, which grants licenses to cannabis producers, says it worked hard in the months prior to legalisation to increase the number of legal suppliers.

As with any new industry where there is considerable consumer demand, we expect there may be periods where inventories of some products run low or, in some cases, run out.



grant (v.)

1. 准許

e.g. My mother granted me my request to buy the new computer. 媽媽答應了我的要求,准許我買一部新電腦。


2. 授予; 發放

e.g. The government grants all those refugees political asylum. 政府為難民提供政治庇護。

e.g. Olivia has been granted leave of absence. 獲准休假


3. 認同 to admit (something) although it does not agree with or support your opinion

e.g. The panel grant that David is a talented writer, but they just don't find his books very interesting.  評審認為David是一個很有才華的作家,可是他們不認為他的書寫得很有趣。


grant (n.) 資助

e.g. My study is being funded by a government grant. 我的學費是由政府資助。

e.g. We always need to write a grant proposal to get funding for all projects. 我們一直都要為不同項目撰寫資助計劃書。


take sth. for granted

1. 想當然

take (something) for granted : to believe or assume that (something) is true or probably true without knowing that it is true

e.g. They took their invitation to the party for granted. = they took it for granted that they'd be invited to the party. 他們滿以為一定會被邀請出席派對。

 [=we assumed we'd be invited and did not think about the possibility that we wouldn't be]


2. 以為理所當然 take (someone or something) for granted : to fail to properly notice or appreciate (someone or something that is helpful or important to you)

e.g. We often take everything we have for granted.  我們經常都認為擁有的事是必然的。

e.g. Being apart from his wife for so long has made him realize that he has been taking her for granted.



run low 缺少,快用完

  • The car is running low on fuel. [=our supply of fuel is getting low]
  • Food supplies were running low/short.


run out

1. 用完,耗盡

e.g. Our stock are running out. 我們貯存的東西快用完了。


2. (協議、文件等)失效, 過期

e.g. The lease on their flat runs out in a few months. 他們公寓的租約幾個月後就要到期。


3. 跑開

e.g. Peter just ran out without waiting to hear more. 他不等聽取更多的情形, 就匆忙跑開了。

e.g. The water ran out of the cracked pipe. 水從有裂縫的水管中流出來。



Popcorn by Ben Elton



Simone: I am so sorry that he has gotten to prying into your personal stuff. He does not understand that a woman likes to keep her special private places special and private.



pry (v.) 刺探

1. to pry into sth. 打聽某事

e.g. Tiffany is too fond of prying into other people's affairs.  Tiffany太喜歡打探別人的事情了。


2. 窺探;窺視 [(+into/about)]

  • Stop prying about the house. 別在屋子裡到處窺探。
  • My new boyfriend is trying to pry into my past. 我新認識的男朋友嘗試打探我的過去。



A Song For You - “Who Says” by John Mayer


Who says I can't get stoned?

Turn off the lights and the telephone

Me in my house alone

Who says I can't get stoned?


get stoned (slang) = intoxicated, being drunk or under the influence of a drug (as marijuana) taken especially for pleasure : high.

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