
Coast guard


The concave concrete structures were designed to pick up sound waves from enemy aircraft, making it possible to predict their flight trajectory, giving enough time for ground forces to be alerted to defend the towns and cities of Britain.



predict (v.) 預言

e.g.  Scientists predicted that an earthquake is imminent.



e.g.  My friend claims that he can predict future events.



e.g. It's hard for the poll to predict how the election will turn out.




trajectory (n.) 軌跡

e.g. the trajectory of the missile


e.g. The trajectory of the rocket is out of their expectation. 



e.g. Mary’s good education put her on a trajectory toward a distinguished career and life. Mary



e.g. his political trajectory from a labour activist to a country leader



alert (v.) 發出警報


e.g. The local government alerted the community that a typhoon was coming.



alert (adj.) 警惕的;留心的

> to be alert to 對…保持警惕


e.g. A good nurse should be alert to any change in the patient's condition. 


alert (n.) 警戒

> to be on the alert for 對…保持警惕

> to be on full alert 處於全面戒備狀態


e.g. The government needs to be on alert for any sudden changes of economic environment. 


e.g. The attack from enemy could come at any time, so the soldiers need to be on full alert.




defend (v.)


1. 防禦;保衛;保護

e.g. We shall defend our freedom of speech, whatever the cost may be.


2. 維持(勝果);保持(不敗)

e.g. Natalie successfully defended her championship. [=she won the championship again]



defendant (n.) (法庭上的)被告人


e.g. The judge declared that the defendant was guilty. 法官宣布被告有罪。


I began to think more and more about the relationship between art, science and the creative process. Experimentation and ultimately failure are an intrinsic commonality of all three. 



ultimately (adv.) 最終,終極地


e.g Ultimately my neighbour did get the police to come.



e.g. My boss is very confident that the plan will ultimately succeed. [=will succeed in the end]



ultimatum (n.) 最後通牒


e.g. My mother gives me an ultimatum - study harder or go to find a job.


intrinsic (adj.) 本身的;本質的;固有的;內在的


e.g. Equality is the intrinsic value of democracy. Without equality there can be no democracy.




A Song For You – “At Your Side” The Corrs


When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand
And you know that
I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side


be at one’s side = 在某人身邊


take one’s side(在爭論中)支持(某人)

e.g. My mother always takes my father's side when I argue with him.



get on the right/wrong side of sb(討某人)喜歡/令(某人)厭惡

e.g. As a teenager, Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother.



keep on the right side of sb 避免得罪(某人); 爭取(某人)的好感

e.g. Paul kept on the right side of his teachers by working really hard.

Paul 刻苦用功,一直深得老師喜愛。


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