
Red tide attack




Scientific experts said the algal blooms might indicate that pollution is increasing and climate patterns shifting.  They would not rule out the possibility that a lethal red tide- that can kill off marine life en masse - could strike soon, although these are almost impossible to forecast.  


indicate 顯示

(verb 動詞)


例子: His response indicated that he was involved in the crime.

例子:Her expression indicated that she was uncomfortable in his company.


shift 移動;改變;轉移

(verb 動詞)


例子: Linda shifted her bag onto her other shoulder because it was so heavy.

例子: You need to step on the clutch before shifting gears.


lethal 致命的

(adjective 形容詞)


en masse 一起,全體


例子:At lunchtime, the employees all crowded to the cafeteria en masse.

例子:It was so hot today, the children all jumped into the pool en masse.



An algal bloom is an area of seawater discolored by large concentrations of micro organisms, and is often a murky brown rather than red.


discolored (使)褪色,(使)變色


例子:My laundry left out on the line got discolored from the sun.


concentration 集中

(noun 名詞)


例子:The greatest concentration of elephants is in east Africa.

例子:The concentration of power in some countries is in the hands of corrupt politicians.



(verb 動詞)


例子:You must concentrate in order to gain knowledge.


murky 混濁的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling.

例子:That government official had a murky past


Crystal’s slang time


Crystal 本義是水晶,但跟它有關的延伸字詞甚多,今天的新聞就有一個:


However, there was no crystal ball to show when the next outbreak would happen and whether it would be as lethal.


crystal ball  – 水晶球;“there is no crystal ball” 意指「無人能預測」

crystal clear – (水晶般)清澈的;明顯的

crystallized – (計劃)成真;成功實踐

clear as crystal – 明顯不過的



Eutrophication refers to excess nutrients in the water, and their composition - dominated by nitrogen and phosphorous- was key in defining the nature of a red tide.




eutrophication 富養化  

(noun 名詞)


nutrient 養份

(noun 名詞)


例子:Fish is a source of many important nutrients.


composition 組合;成份

(noun 名詞)




1. 作文

例子:My friend won the the prize for best composition in English.


2. 性格

例子:That science teacher has a touch if madness in his composition.


3. 樂曲

例子:Chopin is one of the most famous piano composers. One of his most famous compositions is Fantasie.



(noun 名詞)


1. 鑰匙

例子:I lost my keys to the car.


2. 關鍵

例子:The key factor in today's talk will be on improving our environment.


3. 按鍵

例子:Computer, piano, flute keys

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