
Spending spree



In general, consumers do not expect their seasonal spending to set them back for long. More than half say they will pay for the spending spree by the end of January, and three quarters expect to be free from holiday debt by the end of March, according to a survey from


seasonal 季節的;季節性的

(adjective 形容詞)


► seasoning 調味料


= spices like lemon pepper, curry, barbecue


►seasoned 經驗豐富的;老到的

(adjective 形容詞)

例子:a seasoned actor, one with more depth and experience


spending spree 購物狂熱;(常指過分的)玩樂;短暫的放縱



例子:My sister went on a spreading spree because if the post-Christmas sales.



The survey further reveals how misplaced this optimism may be. Nearly one in five Americans with debt say they will never be debt free. That is double the rate of those who felt the same way in a survey last May. So as the economy has turned up in recent months, it seems debt spending has followed suit—accompanied by escalating angst over the debt hole consumers may be digging.


misplaced 被錯誤寄託的;錯放的

(verb 動詞)


例子:Lucy misplaced her glasses after rushing to get to work.


optimism 樂觀精神


= positive thinking

例子: Her optimism kept the team's spirit high and energetic.


follow suit 跟著做

(verb 動詞)

例子: Since the leaders started shouting the students started to follow suit.


angst 焦慮,煩憂


例子: Johnny's rebellious behavior is a typical sign if teenage angst.



America’s debt culture is a big contributor to the retirement savings crisis.


contributor 撰稿人,供稿者

(noun 名詞)

例子: Tom is a regular contributor to the SCMP.


retirement 退休

(noun 名詞)

例子: Many elders get depressed after going into retirement.



Today’s spending may have far reaching consequences. To keep spending under control this season, create a holiday budget and stick to it.


consequence 後果

(noun 名詞)


例子:The bad harvest was a consequence of the flooding.


Crystal’s slang time

POOR (貧窮) 和 CHEAP (吝嗇) 的俚語之多,令人瞠目結舌!




dirt poor

cleaned out




cheapskate 吝嗇鬼,小氣鬼;守財奴    (noun 名詞)

stingy 小氣的,吝嗇的 (adjective 形容詞)

tight wad   吝嗇鬼,小氣鬼 (noun 名詞)

penny pincher 吝嗇鬼,小氣鬼;守財奴    (noun 名詞)

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