






Documentarians can be a dogged bunch, but put a prize in their path, and you’ll really find out how relentless they are.


dogged 下定決心的,堅決的

(adjective 形容詞)

例子:Jimmy lost sleep in his dogged pursuit of the missing piece if the puzzle.


relentless 持續不休的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子: Peter's relentless attempt to score a goal won support from his team.


With the announcement of the 15 documentary features on its shortlist of Oscar contenders, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences unleashed one of its most fearsome rites: a five-week, sharp-elbowed stampede by nonfiction filmmakers for one of five nomination slots that can save their pictures from obscurity.


unleash 突然釋放;使爆發

(verb 動詞)


例子: Mathew unleashed his bottled up feelings in his love letter to Sheila.


rite 儀式

(noun 名詞)


例子:Some cultures have very peculiar rites for coming of age boys.


sharp-elbowed 爭先恐後;激烈的

(verb 動詞)


stampede 狂奔;奔逃,蜂擁而上/ 人踩人

(noun 名詞)


例子: The thunder spooked the elephants and caused a stampede.


obscurity 無名的;鮮為人知的;默默無聞的

(noun 名詞)


例子:After getting married, the famous actress drifted into obscurity.


Crysal’s Slang Time

  • sharp-eyed 眼利的
  • sharp-sighted眼利的
  • sharp-nosed 鼻靈的
  • sharp- tongued 牙尖嘴利的
  • sharp-witted 聰明伶俐的




Long a quietly aggressive race, the documentary competition has been growing more rambunctious as nonfiction film has evaporated from theaters.


rambunctious 精力過剩的;難以控制的;桀驁不馴的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子: Those rambunctious kids could not sit still through the entire film.


evaporate 蒸發;消失

(verb 動詞)


例子:The protest evaporated after the police came.

例子:I like spreading evaporated milk on my toast.

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