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Subtexts in children’s books
講述綠色怪物密謀偷走聖誕的 "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"、小火車頭排除萬難上山去的 "The Little Engine that Could"... ... 這些經典兒童故事背後,竟有弦外之音?BBC一篇文章大膽假設,由Crystal 和 Kevin小心求證,或者會令爸爸媽媽們選擇床頭故事前多一重考慮:
weird 奇怪的
(adjective 形容詞)
subtext 潛台詞
(noun 名詞)
例子:The subtext of Alice in Wonderland is actually very dark.
obvious 明顯的
例子:It was obvious that she wanted attention when she cried so loud in public.
parable 寓言
例子:There are many parables in the bible that teach you to be a better person.
consumerism 消費主義
例子: Consumerism eats up many peoples salaries.
(compare) Hong Kong is a consumer society.
Crystal’s Slang Time
The Little Engine That Could是經典兒童故事,論述小火車頭努力上山的經歷。Crystal 特別提到,故事中互相扶持的火車頭,無獨有偶都是女孩子,難道內有玄機?
you-go-girl 去吧,加油!
► atta girl/ boy = interjection of encouragement
► career girl = a prostitute
exquisite 精美的;精緻的
例子:Julie has exquisite taste in clothes.
existential 存在的
例子: Some psychologists believe that fairytales help children deal with existential anxieties.
故事講完了,老師家長總愛如此總結:「這個故事教訓我們… …」但有專家分析,兒童故事的魅力,正正來自其隱藏訊息;說穿了反而不美:
crucial 至關重要的;關鍵的;決定性的
例子: Safety is crucial to enjoying this adventurous activity.
captivating 吸引的
例子:The actor is so captivating with his dreamy eyes and charming smile.
considerable 相當大的;相當多的;非常可觀的;相當重要的
例子: There is a considerable amount of information about the world that we do not know.
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