



家庭的真締是什麼?Jo 和 Kevin 跟大家探討。


Hong Kong father who killed his sons in murder-suicide ‘saw his fortune disappear after inviting dishonest relative to run his business.’


murder-suicide 謀殺自殺案


familicide 倫常命案


例子:As the familicide wiped out his entire family, he will be charged with four counts of murder.


倫常命案英文也可叫 family annihilation [əˌnaɪəˈleɪʃn] [silent ‘h’]



(verb 動詞)


1. 毀滅, 殲滅

例子:The Army was annihilated.


2. 徹底擊敗

例子:The Chinese team annihilated the Olympic champions.




  • a fortune 一筆可觀的財富

(noun 名詞;countable 可數)


例子:The meal ended up costing a fortune.

例子:He made a small fortune during the economic boom.


  • fortune 運氣

(noun 名詞;uncountable不可數)


例子:fortune-teller 算命人 (he tells your fortune)


談起「犯罪」,英文除了 murder / commit crime / commit suicide 之外,還有一字,叫perpetrate:


perpetrate 犯(罪)

(verb 動詞) [ˈpɜːpɪtreɪt]


例子:A high proportion of crime in the region was perpetrated by teenagers.


► perpetrator 犯罪者; 作惡者

(noun 名詞)


例子:the perpetrator of a hoax   詐騙犯

例子:The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.


Kevin’s classroom


suffix 後綴詞:-cide (構成名詞)表示「殺(者)」

a learned borrowing from Latin meaning “killer,” “act of killing,” used in the formation of compound words


suicide 自殺 (noun 名詞)

suicidal 有自殺傾向的 (adjective 形容詞)



- patricide 弒父

- matricide 弒母

homicide 謀殺



例子:insecticide, pesticide

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