
Fatal selfie


自拍「呃 LIKE」已成網絡指定動作,不過,為搏網友一讚,有人身陷險境而不自知!印度泰姬陵就發生過致命意外,原因竟然是──自拍!


A Japanese tourist has died after allegedly slipping down the stairs at India's Taj Mahal monument. One of his colleagues fractured his leg, after both fell from the staircase of the monument.


allegedly 據報

(adverb 副詞)


例子:The documents are allegedly false.   這些文件據說是假的。

例子:Tom allegedly stole the money.  Tom 被懷疑偷取金錢。


alleged 被指控;涉嫌

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The alleged thief was arrested.   涉嫌賊人被補獲。

例子:She denied the alleged conspiracy.  她否認有關陰謀的指控。



(verb 動詞)


1. 滑倒

例子:She slips on a banana skin.   她踩到香蕉皮滑倒。


2. 輕快地滑動

例子:The bird slips through the water.   飛鳥掠過水面。


3. 染上惡習

例子:She slipped into bad habits.   她染上了惡習。


4. 落後

例子:The decoration work slips behind schedule.   裝修工程落後於進度。


5. 悄悄移動; 悄悄翻過; 悄悄渡過

例子:Unnoticed, she slipped out the room. 趁人不注意,她偷偷溜走。

例子:Mary slips into bed.   Mary悄悄上床。


6. to slip through sth 從…間滑落

例子:Don’t let happiness slip through your fingers.   別讓幸福從你的指縫間溜掉。


fracture 骨折,裂縫

(noun 名詞)


例子:David suffered a wrist fracture when he slipped on the ice.   David 跌在冰面上時導致手腕骨折。


例子:There is a fracture in a rock.  岩石上有一道裂縫。



(verb 動詞)


1. 跌斷

例子:David fractured [=broke] his wrist when he slipped on the ice.


2. 摧毀

例子:Their happiness was fractured by an unpredictable tragedy.  突如其來的慘劇摧毀他們的幸福。




Earlier this year, the Russian government reportedly launched a campaign to make young people think twice before snapping selfies in risky situations. The campaign's motto is: "Even a million 'likes' on social media are not worth your life and well-being."



(verb 動詞)


1. 推出

例子:The car company launched a new model.  汽車公司推出新型號。


2. 使…下水; 使…首次下水

例子:The ship was launched by the King.  這艘船的下水儀式是由國王主持。


3. 發射

例子:launch a rocket/missile


4. 起動

例子:You can launch the program by double-clicking on this icon.



(verb 動詞)


1. 快拍

例子:to take a snap   拍快照


2. 容易的事

例子:It is a snap doing homework.  做功課很容易。

例子:This job is a snap!  這活兒不過是小菜一碟!


motto 座右銘; 格言

(noun 名詞)


例子:school motto 校訓

例子:“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst” is my motto. 我的座右銘是:心懷希望,未雨綢繆。

例子:The Girl Scout motto is “Be prepared.”


IDIOM 慣用語時間


Jump on the bandwagon 趁熱鬧;趕時髦


例子:She jumped on the handphone bandwagon even though she didn't know if she could sell handphone.

例子:So many people are trying to quit smoking that Peter might as well jump on the bandwagon and quit as well.

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