
Caffeine and I


咖啡有提神奇效,但對身體是好是壞?Jo 和 Kevin 兩位愛啡之人,今集嘗試破解「一日最多飲幾杯」之迷!

An estimated 90% of the US population regularly consume caffeine, a stimulant and ingredient that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. It's not hard to do so, as caffeine is ubiquitous in our food supply, found in beverages, chocolate and pain medications, to name a few.


ubiquitous 普遍存在

ubiquitous presence 無所不在 / a ubiquitous expression 隨處可見的表達方式     

e.g.  That company's advertisements are ubiquitous


= common (adjective)

e.g. in common use 常用的
e.g. a common spelling mistake 常見的


Maybe you grab energy drinks when cramming for an exam or late-night work project. 


grab (verb)


1. 抓住

e.g. I have to go back home and grab my office keys.

e.g. to grab at a chance 抓住機會

ALSO : grab-and-go meals/ fruits 即食餐盒/ 水果


2. 趕緊做

e.g. I need to grab some lunch. 我要匆匆吃點午餐。

e.g. Let’s grab one hours' sleep. 我們抓緊時間睡一個小時吧。


3. 吸引

e.g. The movie doesn't grab me. 這齣電影引不起我的興趣。


grab (noun)

to make a grab at or for sth. 抓某物

e.g. The General made a grab for power.  該位將軍試圖奪取權力。


seize (verb)


to seize hold of sb./sth. 抓住某人/某物
to seize an opportunity to ... 抓住機會來…


► to seize control of sth.

e.g. The rebel group has seized control of the city.


► Seize the day!  活在當下!

To enjoy the present and not worry about the future; to live for the moment.
To make the most of today by achieving fulfillment in a philosophical or spiritual sense.


People vary in their tolerance to caffeine. Many people consume caffeine without negative consequences, but for some individuals, either regularly consuming too much caffeine or consuming too much at once can cause distress.




1. 痛苦

e.g. She suffered severe emotional distress when her mother passed away.


► to cause distress to sb. 給某人帶來痛苦

    e.g. The workload causes distress to Joey.  工作量令Joey很痛苦。


ALSO : I am in distress 我感到痛苦/ 難受 / 不適


2. 貧困

to live in distress 生活貧困

e.g. Mother Teresa chose to devote her life to helping those in distress


be under stress 在壓力之下/有精神壓力

e.g. People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties. 壓力大的人可能會出現頭痛、輕微疼痛和睡眠障礙。


stress sb. out 令(某人)緊張;使(某人)焦慮不安
(phrasal verb)

e.g. Interviews always stress me out. 面試總是令我非常緊張。


sleepless  無眠 / 失眠


always used before a noun  : without sleep (e.g.) a sleepless night

not used before a noun  : not able to sleep  (e.g.) She lay sleepless in bed.


insomnia (n.)  (e.g.) He suffers from insomnia recently.


Sleepy (adj.) (e.g.) He feels sleepy and go to bed / Sleepyhead 貪睡者


A Song for You - ONE CUP OF COFFEE by Bob Marley


One cup of coffee, then I'll go;
Though I just dropped by to let you know
That I'm leaving you tomorrow;
I'll cause you no more sorrow:
One cup of coffee, then I'll go.


sorrow 悲痛,傷心,悔恨;傷心事,不幸

e.g. The sorrows of her earlier years gave way to joy in later life.  她早年歷經坎坷,晚年卻快樂無憂。

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