
E. coli hazard


愛做西式烘焙的朋友,也許習慣入爐前把生麵糊好好嘗一嘗。不過,美國近年曾爆發大腸桿菌 (E. coli) 感染,背後元兇很有可能是──麵粉!


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated its guidelines following an investigation into an E. coli outbreak in the US in 2016 where flour was found to be the cause. Cooking the flour kills any bacteria that can cause infections.


outbreak 爆發 (noun 名詞)


  • an outbreak of fatal disease 致命疾病的爆發
  • at the outbreak of war 戰爭爆發的時候


often + of

例子:They are preparing for an outbreak of the virus. 他們準備應對病毒的爆發。


infection 感染; 傳染 (noun 名詞)


  • to be exposed to infection 暴露於易受感染的環境




INFECTION [uncountable 不可數的,顯示為單數] : 感染


例子:Good to learn that your wound has so far remained free of infection. 慶幸你的傷口沒有受到感染。

例子:Remember to take step to decrease your computer's risk of infection. 僅記要做足措施防範電腦受病毒感染。


INFECTIONS [countable 可數的,顯示為眾數] : (因感染而引起的)疾病

  • viral/bacterial infections 病毒 / 細菌感染


A mill in Kansas City was found to be the probable source of the outbreak and ten million pounds of flour were recalled. Previously there have been warnings about eating raw dough and cake mixture due to the presence of raw eggs that can pose a risk of salmonella.


probable 很可能 (adjective 形容詞




  • It is probable that life exists in other planet.


possible 有可能 (adjective 形容詞)



相反,就是 possible 了:


  • It is possible that he decided not to come.


previously 之前 (adverb 副詞


例子:Previously, the government funded the programme.


previous 之前的 (adjective 形容詞)


例子:I can't join your party because of a previous [=prior] engagement.



pose a risk


pose  (verb 動詞)


1. 擺姿勢


2. 假裝

to pose as sb. 冒充某人


3. 構成 

例子:His driving behaviour poses a hazard to others. (His driving behavior is dangerous to others)


A Song For You - "Streets of Philadelphia" by Bruce Sprinsteen


I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt.
I was unrecognizable to myself.
Saw my reflection in a window and didn't know my own face.
Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away
On the streets of Philadelphia.


battered 受傷害,受損 (adjective 形容詞) 

damaged by being used too much or in a careless way


例子:She wore a very battered old dress.

例子:He finally sold his battered bicycle.

► a battered woman/ battered children


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