


最新研究指出,東亞十八歲以上的年輕人,九成都有「近視眼」。「近視」英文原來不只 shortsightedness,聽聽容煒灝、魏綺珊為大家介紹!

There has been a massive rise around the globe in short-sightedness - or myopia as it's officially known - over recent decades. It has reached epidemic levels in East Asia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, where approaching 90% of 18-year-olds are now short-sighted.



massive 大量/巨大/嚴重

(adjective 形容詞) 


1. very large and heavy 巨大,形容體積

例子:The city is surrounded by massive walls.

2. large in amount or degree 大量/巨大,形容程度

例子:A massive effort will be required to clean up all the rubbish after mid-autumn festival.
例子:Students can find a massive amount of information on the Internet.


3. very severe 嚴重

例子:a massive heart attack / a massive stroke

(= big/large/heavy/severe)


myopia  /maɪˈəʊ.pi.ə/

(noun 名詞)  


1. 近視

例子:He wears eyeglasses to correct her myopia.


2. 目光狹窄

例子:cultural myopia [= an inability to see what is good in other cultures]
例子:religious and moral myopia


myopic 短視的,缺乏遠見的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:His myopic refusal to act now will certainly cause problems in the future.



(noun 名詞)


1. 傳染病; 流行病

例子:an epidemic of influenza 流感的流行


2. 蔓延

例子:an epidemic of crime  犯罪活動氾濫成災


epidemic 氾濫的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The government needs to tackle the problem immediately as it has reached epidemic level. 



Doctor says trying to stop screen use is probably an unrealistic aspiration. But, hand on heart, children cannot get away from this because they also have to do their school homework on laptops and iPads and they do their searches for background information on screens.



(adjective 形容詞)


1. 不切實際的

例子:an unrealistic person

例子:to be unrealistic about sth. 在某事上不實事求是

例子:It is unrealistic to say that ... 說法不現實

例子:The dialogue in the movie is totally unrealistic. 電影裡的對白全都不切實際。



(noun 名詞)


1. 渴望

> to have aspirations for sth 渴望得到某物


例子:She has never had any aspiration to become famous in the world. 她從來沒有渴望過變得舉世知名。


2. 志向

> to have aspirations to/to do sth. 有志於某事物/做某事


例子:He doesn’t know what’s his aspirations for the future. 他不知道他將來的志向。


hand on heart 撫心自問 / 問心果句 / 坦白說 (源自美國一個宣誓手勢)


Listening Test - How to prevent myopia


Q1: What is good for the eyes?


Ans: Food rich in beta carotene 胡蘿白素, 例子:carrot, sweet potato, squash, broccoli

         Sources with vitamin A: milk, egg, cheese, liver


Q2: How long is the break? 

At least for an hour or two after you arrive home.


urge (尤指難以或無法控制的)慾望,衝動

(noun 名詞)


例子:I can never resist the urge to laugh. 我成日都忍唔住笑。


A Song For You - "Low Light" by Pearl Jam


Clouds roll by
Reeling is what they say
Or is it just my way?
Wind blows by low light
Side tracked low light
Can't see my tracks your scent way back
Can I be here all alone?
Clear a path to my home
Blood runs dry
Books and jealousy tell me wrong
All I feel calm
Voice blows by low light
Car crash  low light
Can't wear my mask your first  my last
Voice goes by
Two birds is what they'll see
Getting lost upon their way
Wind rolls by, low light
Eye sight, low light
I need the light
I'll find my way from wrong, what's real?
The dream I see


 reel 本身指線軸,或電影的菲林卷

(verb 動詞)  


1. 蹣跚

例子:At closing time he reeled out of the bar and fell down on the pavement.



例子:He gave me a heavy blow that sent me reeling. 他的重拳讓我站不穩。


•2. 感到震驚

> to send sb. reeling 使某人震驚


例子:We were reeling (in amazement/shock/delight, etc.) from/with the news that we had won all that money.



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