


filibuster 拉布



例子: Filibuster is a legitimate(合法的), parliamentary tactic(議政手段)used to delay or prevent the passage(通過)of some undesired legislation(立法).





此外,filibuster作名詞也可以解「拉布的人」;亦可以作動詞,解「拉布」。還是不明白?以下的例句,便以不同詞性的 “filibuster” 組成:


  • filibuster (n.) / filibustering (n.) 拉布

  • filibuster (n.) 拉布的人

例子: The filibuster filibusters against the bill, hoping that the filibuster will work.


amendments 修正案



例子: The four radical lawmakers have raised 710 amendments as delaying tactics to prevent the passage of the Appropriation Bill for the Budget撥款條例草案.


lawmaker/ legislator/ LegCo member 立法會議員



一字多義的 “passage”

passage 通過


例子: The bill was amended several times during its passage through the council.



例子: He read out a short passage from the Bible.


passage 通道

例子: The bridge isn’t strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.


passage of time 時間的流逝 ► the passing of time

例子: With the passage of time, things began to look more hopeful.


to vote on表決


例子: Filibustering tactics were used by lawmakers to prevent the council from voting on the budget bill.


Vote是投票,但究竟是贊成或是反對呢?這時便要借助 for, against等介詞了:


vote for / in favour of投選/投贊成票

(phrasal verb片語動詞)


例子: I voted for/in favour of the People Power’s candidate in the last election.


vote against 投反對票

(phrasal verb片語動詞)


例子: He voted against the Labour candidate.


vote with your feet 

(idiom 慣用語)


你也許會好奇,英文也有「舉腳贊成」一說?原來非也!Vote with your feet,其實就是用腳離場表達不滿,跟中文成語「舉腳贊成」可謂大相逕庭!


例子: A lot of staff will vote with their feet if the pay rise for this year is suspended.


fiscal cliff 財政懸崖

例子: C.Y. Leung warned that Hong Kong will run out of cash and face a “fiscal cliff” if the bill is not approved and that the filibusters are indeed walking a tightrope.


Fiscal 的不同用法:


fiscal crisis      財政危機

fiscal policy     財政政策

fiscal measure   財政措施

fiscal matter    財政事宜


walk a tightrope鋼線

在懸崖上走鋼索是什麼滋味?Walk a tightrope正好表達處境岌岌可危的意思。


例子: I feel as if I’m walking a tightrope between success and failure.



to curb/halt the filibuster 剪布





例子: Jasper Tsang Yok-sing exercised his prudential powers to curb the filibuster.


curb 控制



例子: We are trying to keep on curb on their activities.   

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