
Medical malpractice


medical malpractice 醫療失誤


例子:Medical malpractice has raised the eyebrow of the general public recently.


值得一提的是,raise one’s eyebrow字面解「揚眉」,那英文意思豈不是「吐氣揚眉」?此言差矣,raise one’s eyebrow,實則指「引起某人的注意」。



除了 medical malpractice,medical negligence 也指醫療疏忽。


例子:Medical negligence has become an increasing concern lately.



Malpractice這個字裡面包含practice,我們最熟悉的用法,應該是解「練習」吧!可是 practice 指涉的意思,又豈止一個呢?讓我們貫徹了解「一詞多義」的原則,把 practice 的詞義來個大解剖!順帶一提,美式英語中,名詞和動詞都串 practice;英式英語裡,動詞卻要串成 practise。


practice 練習

(noun 名詞)

例子:It takes hours of practice to learn to play the guitar.


in practice 事實上/ 實際上

(prepositional phrase 介詞短語)

例子:In practice some women still receive much lower wages than their male colleagues.


practice 習慣、習俗

(noun 名詞)

例子:religious beliefs and practices

例子:It’s their practices to sing and dance to welcome their guests. 


put theory to practice  學以致用、實踐

(idiom 慣用語)


practise (verb 動詞) + doing something 練習 (做某事)

例子:Today we are going to practise singing.         


transplant surgery/ operation 移植手術


例子:During the transplant surgery, the doctor was suddenly aware that the blood types of the donor and the recipient were different.


donor 捐贈者

(noun 名詞)


例子:Poor countries urgently need more assistance from donor countries.

例子:An anonymous donor (無名捐贈者) has given one million dollars towards the charity.





complaint culture 投訴文化


例子:Due to the complaint culture in Hong Kong, there has been a sharp rise in the number of medical blunder (醫療失誤) reported to local newspapers.


不少人投訴「投訴文化」大行其道,Danny 和 Crystal 卻認為,只要有理有節,投訴的而且確可以幫助改善社會。無論你同意與否,complain 和 complaint 你又分得清楚嗎?


complaint (noun 名詞) + about something

例子:The general public has a lot of complaints about the imperfect healthcare system in Hong Kong.


make a complaint about sth/  lodge a complaint about sth


例子:I am writing to make/ lodge a complaint about the insufficient surveillance of the local healthcare system.


complain (verb 動詞) + about something

例子:She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.


complain of (phrasal verb, formal 片語動詞,正式)


身體感到不適或疼痛,正式一點的講法可以用complain of,譬如:


例子:He has been complaining of severe headaches.

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