
Transsexual marriage


transsexual 變性人


例子:A Hong Kong transsexual, identified as “W”, has won the right to marry her boyfriend.


以下是一些與 transsexual 有關的字詞:


transsexual 變性的

(adjective 形容詞)


transsexualism 變性

(noun 名詞)


transvestite 易服人士

(noun 名詞)



Transsexual 以 trans- 開頭,有貫穿、轉換、改變之意,衍生出以下英文字:


1) Trans-: on or to the far side of something (i.e. across)

► transport 運輸, transverse 貫穿


2) Trans-: between two things or groups (i.e. inter-)

► transit 轉機, translate 翻譯, transcribe 譯寫


3) Trans-: show a change

► transsexual, transform 變形, transcend 超越


gender change surgery/operation 變性手術


例子:“W” underwent gender change surgery at a public hospital a few years ago.


要留意的是,雖然 surgery 是手術的統稱,但是「給某身體器官動手術」和「進行傷患手術」應該配搭不同的介詞,看看以下例子:


surgery ON body parts

例子:Transsexuals require a long, invasive and painful surgery on their genitals 生殖器官.


surgery FOR injuries

例子:The victim is now undergoing a surgery for his chest injuries.


IN surgery 接受手術

例子:She was in surgery for two hours on Thursday.


surgical (adjective 形容詞)


  • surgical mask   手術口罩
  • surgical equipment  手術設備
  • surgical treatment 手術治療


cosmetic surgery/ plastic surgery 整形手術

例子:South Korea is famous for its cosmetic surgery.


gender dysphoria性別不安症/ gender identity disorder 性別認同障礙




例子:Most transsexuals suffer from gender dysphoria which is discontent with the sex they were assigned at birth or the gender roles associated with that sex.


與 gender 有關的詞語:


  • gender differences/ distinctions 性別差異
  • gender roles 性別角色
  • gender inequality/ bias 性別偏見
  • gender discrimination性別歧視
  • gender stereotype 性別定型


pre-operative transsexuals (Pre-op) vs. post-operative transsexuals (Post-op)


Pre- 和 post- 兩個前綴分別解「之前」和「之後」,故此 pre-operative transsexuals 是指「手術前變性人」,而 post-operative transsexuals 便是「手術後變性人」了。


例子:The Court of Final Appeal ruled that Hong Kong’s current law, which barred post-op from marrying his/her partner, is unconstitutional. Then what about the marriage for pre-op?


Court of Final Appeal 終審法院

Unconstitutional 違憲的



radical change 本質上的改變


例子:Including post-operative transsexuals in the definition of “man” and “woman” will be a radical change of the traditional concepts of gender and marriage. 




discrimination 歧視

(noun 名詞)

discriminate (verb 動詞)


humiliation 羞辱

(noun 名詞)

humiliate (verb 動詞)


degradation 侮辱

(noun 名詞)

degrade (verb 動詞)


sterile 不育

(adjective 形容詞)

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