
Animal Conservation


bear bile 黑熊膽汁

例子:More than 10,000 bears are kept on bile farms in China. They are milked regularly for their bile, which is used in traditional medicine.


跟 bear 有關的配搭用語,你知道嗎?


grizzly bear 大灰熊

polar bear 北極熊

teddy bear 泰迪熊


bear 難搞的事情

(noun 名詞) (American English 美式英語)


軟綿綿的泰迪熊很可愛,但事實上,熊是力大無窮,甚至令人生畏的動物。美國人可能比較多機會接觸牠們,因此在美國口語裏,bear 亦解作「難搞的事情」,可見他們「牙齒印」多深!


例子:The chemistry test was a bear.


be like a bear with a sore head 脾氣暴躁、對人粗魯

(British English 英式英語)


大西洋另一端的英國人似乎所見略同,be like a bear with a sore head 字面就是一隻偏頭痛的熊,引申來形容某人脾氣暴躁、對人粗魯,為什麼竟有點可愛呢?


例子:Tom was like a bear with a sore head when he left his boss’ office this morning.


bear  承受

(verb 動詞)


用作動詞的 bear,多指面對痛苦或者困難的事情。


例子:She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to bear the pain.

例子:The humiliation to transsexuals in the society is more than they can bear.


grin and bear it 逆來順受


Grin 解「咧嘴而笑」,但 grin and bear it 一點也不輕鬆,grin和bear的反差,突顯人面對屈辱時逆來順受。


例子: Passengers could be insulting, and flight attendants have to grin and bear it.


作動詞的bear 有不少同義詞,譬如:


stand, tolerate, put up with


Chinese traditional medicine

例子:Pharmacists engaging with the Chinese traditional medicine community and other users of bile promote herbal and synthetic alternatives to reduce the demand for bear bile.


synthetic alternatives 成藥


extract 抽取

(verb 動詞)


例子:Bile is extracted using various painful, invasive techniques, all of which cause massive infection in the bears.


More on “extract”:


extract  ► to remove something from somewhere

(verb 動詞)




例子:You will have to have that tooth extracted.

例子:Oils are extracted from the plants.


extraction  ► the process of removing something from somewhere

(noun 名詞)


例子:mineral extraction, the extraction of salt from seawater, the extraction of information from reference sources


bear sanctuaries 黑熊救護中

例子:Bear sanctuaries are operated in China where bears are rehabilitated and cared for. These bear rescue centres provide the bears with comfortable dens and semi-natural enclosures where the bears are able to recover in safety.  


den巢穴  ► the home of some animals, for example lions and bears

(noun 名詞)


den罪惡溫床  ► a place where secret or illegal activities take place

(noun 名詞)


例子:a den of thieves, corrupt gambling dens


den of iniquity

說一個地方「三教九流」,比較幽默的講法是 den of iniquity。


例子:Her mother was convinced that Mongkok was a den of iniquity.


endangered species 瀕危物

例子:An endangered species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction.


endangered 瀕危的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The red wolf is a critically endangered species.    


endanger… … 於險境

(verb 動詞)


例子:Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby’s life.


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