
Organic food


organic food 有機食物


例子:Organic food is produced using methods of organic farming which is “natural” and does not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones and food additives.




organic farming 有機耕種

synthetic pesticides 合成農藥

chemical fertilizers 化學肥料

antibiotics 抗生素

growth hormones 激素

food additives 食物添加劑



Collocations of “food”:


good food 美食

例子:This Michelin 3-star Italian restaurant serves good food at affordable prices.


junk food 垃圾 (營養價值低的) 食物

例子:He eats a lot of junk food and doesn’t get enough exercise.


health food 健康食品

例子:Organic food which is grown without pesticides and chemicals is supposed to be health food.


food scares 食物 (安全) 恐慌

例子:The recent series of food scares has made people more wary of eating food made in and imported from the mainland China.



fresh food/ frozen food/ canned food

baby food, food shortage


genetically modified (GM) food 基因改造食物


例子:GM food is produced by implanting non-plant genes into crops to produce new varieties with enhanced resistance against pest damage.


例子:The effects on health after the human body absorbs such mutated food can be as slight as food allergies or as serious as the possibility of causing cancer.




  • mutated food 基因改造食物
  • food allergies 食物敏感


同樣解「對某物過敏」,可以用名詞 allergy 和形容詞 allergic,不過後面一定要加 to:


allergy (noun 名詞) + to sth

例子:I have an allergy to cats.


allergic (adjective 形容詞) + to sth

例子:I’m allergic to all sorts of beans.


be allergic to something (idiomatic phrase)




例子:Most men are allergic to housework! (大部分男人都不愛做家務!)


mandatory food labelling 強制性食品標籤

例子:There has not been any consensus in Hong Kong society on whether to legislate to make food labelling mandatory.


Benefits of organic food 有機食物的好處


1) Organic food tastes good! 好吃!

Reason: Crop rotations produce well-balanced soil which grows strong, healthy plants that become tasty food for people and animals.    


各國美食變化萬端,一個 tasty當然不足以形容所有美味!下列形容詞有助你成為專業食評人,以後就不用重覆「好吃、口感好」之類的評語了!


  • delicious
  • yummy
  • mouth-watering
  • savoury
  • palatable
  • scrumptious
  • appetizing


2) Organic food is nutritious! 有營養!

Reason: Organic farming relies on crop rotations, composting, as well as biological pest control to maintain soil productivity, thus producing more nutritious food.


composting 混合堆肥


3) Organic food reduces health risk! 減輕健康威脅!

Reason: Organic food does not contain synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers which are carcinogenic.                 


carcinogenic 致癌


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