
Earthquake struck!



(noun 名詞)


~ - magnitude ~級強度
Strike (verb動詞) 襲擊
Trigger (verb動詞) 引發


例子:A 9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011. The massive earthquake triggered a powerful tsunami that reached heights of up to 40 metres.


Richter scale 黎克特制

例子:A massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale rocked Japan.


seismic zone 地震帶


例子:Japan lies on a seismically active zone.



seismic (pre-modifying adj.)

例子:We have witnessed seismic changes in the international relations between China and other world powers recently.   


aftershock 餘震

(noun 名詞)


例子:Japan experienced over 1000 aftershocks since the major earthquake. The epicentres 震央of most of the aftershocks were underwater.


aftershock事件的餘波  = the effects of a shocking event

(noun 名詞)


例子:The death of her husband has left with her tonnes of aftershocks.   


nuclear plant 核電廠

step up 行動升級 (phrasal verb 片語動詞)



另外,step up 有踏步上前的意思,採取進一步行動或者行動升級,就是step up。


例子:The Japanese government has stepped up action to prevent the nuclear plant from explosion.


evacuation 疏散

(noun 名詞)


例子:In the incident, the authority evacuated several hundred thousands of people for their safety.


evacuate (verb 動詞)


  • Evacuate somebody from somewhere 把人從…疏散
  • Evacuate somebody to somewhere 把人疏散至…


例子:Several families were evacuated from their homes.

例子:Many families living around the nuclear plant were evacuated to safe places.       


contamination 污染

(noun 名詞)


radioactive dust 放射性塵埃

take many lives 奪去很多生命

sow the seeds of 導致/種下禍根


例子:Radioactive dust scattering with the wind in all directions has caused severe contamination to the environment and food chain.


例子:The nuclear leakage not only took many lives but also sowed the seeds of cancer and birth defects.

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