
Population boom


population 人口


例子:The United Nations forecast that the world's population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025.


More on “population”:


population explosion/boom 人口膨脹


例子:India is experiencing a population explosion/ boom. It’s population is expected to surpass China’s and reach 1.6 billion by 2028.   


densely populated/ populous 稠密

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated/populous cities in the world with an overall density of some 6,300 people per square kilometre.


例子:In 1900, Hong Kong had the population of around 300,000. A century later, the population of Hong Kong has experienced an exponential growth and soared to 7 million in 2011.

exponential 幾何級的


More on “forecast”:


forecast 預測

(noun 名詞)


例子:The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.


forecast 預測

(verb 動詞)


注意 forecast 的過去式及過去分詞(past participle)都沒有 –ed,請看以下例子:Downpour was forecast for the weekend.


Synonyms for “forecast”

prediction, projection, outlook, prospect, anticipation


fertility rate 出生率

例子:Although the fertility rate has swiftly declined in several large, developed countries, some least-developed countries have high levels of fertility — more than 5 children per women.


出生率急跌,英文就是 swiftly declined。聽聽它的讀音,不難想像 swift有快速的意思,亦有立即、立刻之意,Danny 和 Crystal 更大談與之有關的詞句:


swift 快速立即、立刻

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:My letter received a swift reply.

例子:She shot a swift glance at Paul.

例子:David is a swift runner.


swift (adjective 形容詞) to do something

例子:They were swift to deny the accusations.


somebody is not too swift   ► someone is not very intelligent

(American English 美式英語)


有沒有在人家背後說過:「他/她真的不太聰明」?雖然暗地批評別人也許不太好,不過原來英文也有類似的說法,就是 not too swift 了。下面談到的 Peter 可慘了,你知道為什麼嗎?


例子:Being candid to whom you love is crucial, but Peter was not too swift to have revealed all his affairs with his ex to his girlfriend.  


trajectory軌道/ indicator 指標

(noun 名詞)




例子:There is a great deal of uncertainty about population trends. Population projections could change based on the trajectories of three major components – fertility, mortality and migration.


mortality 死亡率

migration 遷徙


Collocations of “trend”:


alarming trend 令人憂慮的趨勢


例子:An alarming trend is that both criminals and victims of violence are getting younger.


set the trend 開創潮流  ► to start doing something that other people copy


例子:Larger corporations in Hong Kong are setting the trend for better maternity benefits.


life expectancy 預計壽命


例子:Life expectancy for the world as a whole rose from 47 years in 1950 to 69 years in 2010 and is projected to reach 76 years in 2050.




1) overpopulation 人口過多

2) scarcity in food, land and fuels 糧食、土地、燃料短缺

3) threats to the world’s ecosystem 生態危機

4) ageing/aging population 人口老化     


大家有否留意,ageing / aging 有兩個串法?英式英語保留了 “e” ,美式則不然,兩個都對!


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