
Wifi everywhere


wifi 無線網絡連接


例子:Wifi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves.


當今城市生活,怎麼少得了互聯網呢?隨着wifi 的覆蓋面愈來愈廣,無線上網已成常態,平板電腦、智能手機也愈加普及。毫無疑問,「無線」是近代科技產品的關鍵詞,與之有關的英文詞彙亦如恆河沙數。


wirelessly (adverb 副詞)


wireless (adjective 形容詞)


  • wireless telephone
  • wireless microphone
  • wireless telecommunication
  • wireless networking (i.e. wifi)


不說不知,“wifi” 一字大有來頭!


wifi = wireless fidelity 無線保真傳輸

例子:First appearing in August 2000, “wifi” was coined as a play on words with “hi-fi”.


hi-fi = high fidelity 高精確度,現多借代指音響器材

例子:High fidelity recording equipment produces sound that is very clear.



in-flight wifi 航機wifi


例子:Relying on a new satellite system and direct air-to-ground technology, in-flight wifi can deliver connections up to 10 times faster than those currently available to travellers.


航機起飛前,為免訊號干擾引起危險,空姐都會提醒大家關掉手提電話及無線電接收裝置;不過有航空公司透露,受惠於新的衛星系統,航機wifi 快將面世了!


connection 關係/事實、構思或事件的連繫


1) causal connection 因果關係

例子:There is a causal connection between smoking and cancer.


2) loose connection 關係疏離

例子:The child has a loose connection with his parents.


3) close connection 密切關係

例子:He demonstrated the close connection between mental and physical fitness.


roll-out/ launch 推行

(noun 名詞)


例子:If there is the roll-out of the satellite based in-flight mobile connectivity, the totally connected world vision will be one step closer.


“in-flight wifi” 的同義詞:


  • in-flight mobile connectivity
  • in-flight internet
  • airborne connectivity
  • onboard wifi (also for trains and ships)


除了 launch,也可用 roll-out 代表推行。留意roll out 是片語動詞,roll 和 out 之間有 “-” (hyphen) 則是名詞。其實這種簡易的小變身並非特例,有roll back 和 roll-back、roll up 和 roll-up 為證!


例子:The company expects to roll out the new software in September.


與 “roll” 有關的片語名詞:


roll back 回捲

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


rollback/ roll-back 減價或退款

(noun 名詞,American 美式)


例子:Hongkongers are all expecting the rollback on taxes.


roll up 捲起

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


roll-up 手捲香煙

(noun 名詞,British 英式)


例子:Ben is enjoying his roll-up.


不過,Crystal提到,如果你在美國提起roll-up,多數人都意會是小吃,譬如 fruit roll-ups鮮果凍捲。一詞多義背後的文化因素,值得大家細心留意!


long-haul flight 長途機


例子:Besides in-flight entertainment, it has become vital for most people to stay connected all the time and everywhere - even above the clouds when they are on long-haul flights.


“long” 的配搭用語:


long-distance 長途

(pre-modifying adjective)


例子:long-distance call, long-distance runner, long-distance flight, long-distance travel


long-awaited 期待已久

(pre-modifying adjective)


例子:The release of this long-awaited film has become a talking point.


long-lasting 長遠

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The impact of divorce on children can be long-lasting.

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