
Monster parents back to school


monster parents 怪獸家長


跟芸芸怪獸家長一樣,Danny 也要開學了!不知不覺,Danny主持English in News已經半年了,因為教務繁忙,只好跟大家講聲goodbye,來日再會!


怪獸家長以過分保護孩子見稱,英文可以說 over-protect,請見以下例子:


例子:Monster parents are those who over-protect their children by not requiring the children to take care themselves but who have extremely high expectations about their children’s academic achievements and other rewards.


細心一想,英文裡許多字都以 “over-“ 起頭的,意思卻不盡相同:



  • overpopulation 人口過剩
  • overcooked vegetables 煮過頭的蔬菜
  • overweight 超重
  • overcharge 超收費用
  • overtime 超時



  • overhead projector 投影機
  • overhang 突出懸岩
  • overcast 天色陰暗



  • overcoat 外衣


monster 怪獸

(noun 名詞)



(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He is raising a monster snake at home.

例子:“Gangnam Style” was a monster hit.



(adjective 形容詞)


1) 非常巨大的  ► 例子:a monstrous theatre

2) 醜陋的、可怕的  ► 例子:a monstrous shadow at the corner


helicopter parents 直升機父母


講到怪獸家長,外國的直升機父母helicopter parents當然不讓港爸港媽專美!以「直升機」命名,全因他們全天候在孩子上空盤旋、嚴格監視子女一舉一動所致。


例子:Helicopter parents, also called cosseting parents, exercise over-parenting to their children by paying extremely close attention to their children's experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. Helicopter parents are named so because, like helicopters, they hover overhead.


hover 空中盤旋/四周徘徊

(verb 動詞)


例子:I noticed several reporters hovering around outside the studio.


cosset 過份呵護備至 (= spoil)

(verb 動詞)


例子:He cosseted his goddess with flowers and champagne.


spoilt brats 被寵壞的臭小子


例子:Research studies warn that monster parents in Hong Kong are turning out a generation of spoilt brats who are overconfident, aggressive and narcissistic.



(adjective 形容詞)


1) 侵略的、攻擊的

例子:Teachers can’t tolerate any aggressive behavior from boys.


2) 積極進取的

例子:A successful businessman has to be aggressive.


narcissistic 自戀的

(adjective 形容詞)


Other parts of speech of “narcissistic”:


narcissism 自戀

(noun 名詞)


例子:He went to gym every day, driven purely by narcissism.


narcissist 自戀的人

(noun 名詞)


例子:Narcissists are characterized by their being over-concerned about their appearance and abilities and their spending too much time admiring themselves.    


tiger mum 虎媽


例子:Adapted from Amy Chua’s “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, the term “tiger mum” refers to those mothers who raise their children using the authoritarian approach and make their children work particularly hard so that they continually achieve the highest grades.


► authoritarian 權威主義的


slacker mum 懶蟲媽媽


例子:Slacker mums are those who are ultra laid-back in parenting.


slack/ slack off 怠惰/「蛇王」

(verb 動詞)


例子:He was accused of slacking off and taking too many holidays.

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