
Country parks for housing?



The government is suggesting that parts of our country parks could be allocated for housing.




enclave 飛地/被包圍的領土/人

(noun 名詞)


例子:Private enclaves of land were created within the country parks to allow the villagers to carry on their way of life and this housing entitlement.


上面的例子亦提及了「丁屋」─ housing entitlement 是也!


例子:On Sundays, central turns into a domestic helper enclave.


indigenous 原居民的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Male indigenous villagers were permitted a one-time grant to build a three-storey house.


native 土著的/原居民的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:There are still many indigenous people in Taiwan who hold onto their own culture.


imminent 即將發生的

(adjective 形容詞)


有預感一些不快或者危險的事即將發生,可用 imminent 形容。


例子:Country parks are in imminent danger of being developed.



(noun 名詞)


例子:The imminence of the storm made people panic for food storage.


in danger = at risk = at peril 有危險


例子:Ignorant people think only homosexuals are at risk of contracting AIDs.

例子:The big storm made the sailors at peril.


detrimental 有害的

(adjective 形容詞)


記著這個字後面要加上 to 啊!改用harmful + to也可以!


例子:The increasing number of village houses in country parks is detrimental to the environment.


例子:Too much junk food is detrimental to your health.


encroach 侵佔

(verb 動詞)


 encroach + on/upon/onto


說來這個字比較正式,Crystal 就覺得讀音跟意思相像,你又覺得如何呢?


例子:The houses are encroaching upon/on country parks.



(noun 名詞)


例子:The encroachment of the sea is making the beach smaller and smaller.


verdant 翠綠的

(adjective 形容詞)




例子:Summer in Europe is filled with verdant fields.

例子:Many people enjoy our verdant expanses of countryside.


verdant = lush (adjective 形容詞)


例子:Bali's verdant/ lush scenery attracts many tourists.



(noun 名詞)


例子:a tropical lushness


lush  奢華的

(adjective 形容詞)


= luxurious (adjective 形容詞)


例子:Her dog loves to sleep on the lush rug.


expanse 一大片/寬闊的區域  vs.  expense 開銷/支出
(noun 名詞)           (noun 名詞)




  • expanse [ɪk`spæns]
  • expense [ɪk`spɛns]


例子:The expanse of his property covers over 2000 meters.

例子:a vast expanse of grassland

例子:David used up all his travel expense on food.


at the expense of 犧牲


例子:We should not just build more houses at the expense of the verdant expanses of countryside.

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