
Free-to-air TV licence




The government faced mounting public pressure to explain why they denied HKTV a free-to-air television licence.




licence/ license 牌照

(noun 名詞)


-ce 是英式串法,而以 -se 收尾則是美式。



license 發牌

(verb 動詞)


mounting pressure 越來越大的壓力

= increasing intensity / rising


記住如果積聚了很多壓力,好像要爆炸了,可以用mounting pressure。


例子:He resigned under mounting pressure from the shareholders.


mount 攀

(verb 動詞)


例子:mount the stairs or a platform (FORMAL)


mount 舉辦

(verb 動詞)


例子:The enemy is mounting a campaign and gathering forces in the north, we must hold fast.


mount 固定

(verb 動詞)


例子:The artist mounted his sculpture on the platform of the art gallery.


public outcry 輿論、不滿


例子:The mishandling of foreign affairs sparked public outcry against the government.


fuelling public discontent 燃起公眾不滿


Fuel意指燃油,discontent意指不滿。Fuelling public discontent,不知你有否感覺到那股火上加油的熱力!


例子:The government has fuelled public discontent because it failed to offer concrete explanations for its decision.


fuel (n./v.) 火上加油

► add fuel to a conflict or debate / add fuel to the fire = make it more intense



Fuel意指燃油,discontent意指不滿。Fuelling public discontent,不知你有否感覺到那股火上加油的熱力!

例子:The government has fuelled public discontent because it failed to offer concrete explanations for its decision.


dissatisfaction (n.) / discontented = dissatisfied (adjective 形容詞) ≠ unsatisfied (adjective 形容詞)

例子:Simon was discontent with the quality of the wine served at the restaurant.


“Dissatisfied” 只適用於某人對某件事物感到不高興、挫折、或是失望的狀態。

例子:I was dissatisfied with the government’s decision(我對政府的決定不滿意。)


“Unsatisfied” 則代表一種「需要更多」的感覺,可以應用在比較抽象的事物上。

例子:Although he has eaten a lot, his hunger remained unsatisfied.


sparked waves of protests 引發示威浪潮


例子: The government’s decision to reject HKTV has sparked waves of protests.


sparks fly 火花四濺


興奮或激動地討論都可以用 sparks fly,確切意思當然要看上文下理了!


例子:The sparks flew in all directions as the architects began to talk about their latest project.


waves / a wave of 一股

例子:During the holidays, waves of tourists descend upon Hong Kong’s shopping malls.


protest / demonstration / rally (noun 名詞)


Protest, demonstration, rally 意思相近,但程度有深淺。


protest (示威)    >    demonstration (遊行)    >     rally (集會)


例子:I was at a rally yesterday, the crowd began to march to the government headquarters, so I joined the demonstration. People gathered outside the building to protest against injustice to those who were affected.


reject 拒絕

(verb 動詞)


= deny = refuse


當有無可否認的情況出現時,可以用 there is no denying that來開句。


例子:There is no denying that I am absolutely crazy about you and there's nothing I can do about that.


cap 上限

(noun 名詞)


例子: When the government decided to open the TV market in 1998, it said there would be no cap on licence numbers.


cap 設上限

(verb 動詞)


例子:The wife capped her husband’s spending allowance to $100 per day.


HKTV chairman Ricky Wong has considered launching a legal challenge to the government decision in court.


loom  (不快的事)快將發生

(verb 動詞)


例子:As lawsuits are looming, the government has to be cautious in explaining the rationale behind its decision.


looms over 籠罩 (恐懼、不安)


例子:The police officer loomed over him.

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