
Anti-gossip defamation law in China



“Barely a week after China announced an anti-gossip defamation law aiming to stop ‘online rumors’, the authorities have their first culprit.”


anti-gossip 反八卦/ 謠言


anti- 反對/防備/抗衡

(prefix 前綴詞)


例子:anti-discrimination 反歧視

      anti-virus 防毒

      antibiotics 抗生素


例子: The anti-abortion activists protested in front of the hospital. (反墮胎行動者在醫院門外抗議。)


gossip 八卦、說閒話 (的行為)

(noun 名詞, uncountable 不可數的)


例子:Gossip is a common behavior amongst young females. (說閒話、聊八卦在年青女性之間很常見。)



gossip 閒話

(noun 名詞, countable 可數的)


例子:The gossip about her affair affected her reputation. (關於她的八卦謠言影響了她的聲譽。)


defamation 誹謗

(noun 名詞)


defame 誹謗、抹黑

(verb 動詞)


Fame 是名詞,解作名譽、名聲,在前面加上de,則有「破壞聲譽」之意。


例子:The political candidate was defamed in an effort to smear his campaign. (為了打擊其競選活動,該議員遭到抹黑。)

fame    vs.  reputation  vs.  popularity  (noun 名詞)

famous  vs.  reputable   vs.  popular    (adjective 形容詞)


要留意啊,fame, reputation 跟popularity顯然意思相近,但有不同的用法。你會怎樣翻譯?


例子:The band became famous after their song hit the top charts. (自從樂隊的作品打入排行榜前列位置後,變得為人熟悉。)

例子:That politician has a bad reputation of criticizing others. (因為常常批評他人,那位政客的聲譽不好。)

例子:The actor is popular for his good acting, not his good looks. (該演員受歡迎是因為他的演技,並非他的外形。)


culprit 罪魁禍首

(noun 名詞)


例子:The police caught the culprit hiding in the basement. (警員抓住了躲藏在地下室的罪魁禍首。)


rumors / rumours 謠言

(noun 名詞)


例子:There is a rumour that the school will be shut down. (有傳言指學校將會關閉。)


散播謠言英文就是spread rumors 了。順帶一提,rumor 是美式串法,rumour 則於英國通用。


rumors-mongers 散播謠言者

(noun 名詞)


例子:Never trust those rumors-mongers who base their facts on gossip magazines. (永遠不要相信以八卦雜誌當真相來散佈謠言的人。)


enact 制定

(verb 動詞)


例子:The new defamation regulation was enacted last month, with a guilty charge carrying a penalty of up to three years in jail. (上月頒布了新的誹謗調控,犯者最多可被判三年監禁。)



(noun 名詞)


例子:the enactment of a law  頒布法律


enact 演繹

(verb 動詞)


= to perform something by acting


例子:The kid often enacts the stories told by his mother. (那孩子常常演繹他媽媽說過的故事。)


be enacted 發生

(verb 動詞)


以被動詞形式出現的 be enacted,多見於新聞報道,常指一再發生的事情。


例子:It was an event which was enacted month after month for 10 years. 



re-enact 重演

(verb 動詞)


例子:He re-enacted scenes from his TV series. (他重演了他有份參演的電視劇中的場景。)


penalty 懲罰

(noun 名詞)


penalise 懲罰

(verb 動詞)


注意發音應為 [pinəlaɪz] 啊!


例子:The student was penalized for his inappropriate behavior at the school party. (學生因為在學校派對的不當行為而遭到懲罰。)


whistle-blowing 告密

(noun 名詞)


斯諾登簡直就是 whistle-blowing 的表表者。生活中你又有沒有當過 whistle-blower,告發不義的人和事,不平則鳴呢?


例子:It is a dangerous act for whistle blowers to invade drug dens. (對於告密者來說,入侵毒犯巢穴是危險的行為。)

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