
Boston Marathon bombings


Boston Marathon bombings 波士頓馬拉松爆炸案

例子:The Boston Marathon bombings were a terrorist attack which happened near the finish line 終點線 of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. 


terrorist attack恐怖襲擊


Other related words:

terror 恐怖 (n.)

terrorist 恐怖份子 (n.)

terrorism 恐怖主義 (n.)

terrorize 恐嚇 (v.)


例子:Many Boston citizens were terrorized into fleeing the city after the bombing raids.


Collocations of “bombing”:


bombing raids 炸彈襲擊

例子:They were planning bombing raids in some of the America’s major cities  


a wave of bombings 連環炸彈襲擊

例子:A terrorist network has confirmed their responsibility for a wave of bombings in the city.


不能說的 “b”  ~Silent letter “b”




Bomb      /bɒm/           

Doubt      /daʊt/

Climb      /klaɪm/

Climber   /’klaɪ.mər/  

Comb     /kəʊm/        

Subtle (微妙的)    /’sʌt.əl/          



casualties 傷亡

(i.e. people who are killed, wounded or injured)


例子:The Boston Marathon blasts have inflicted severe casualties: 3 were killed and almost 180 were injured.


Blast (n.) = bombing, explosion 爆炸


例子:Three people died    in the blasts/

in the bombings/

in the explosions/

when the bombs went off.


suspect 嫌疑犯


例子:The FBI took over the investigation and identified two suspects.


FBI ►The Federal Bureau of Investigation 聯邦調查局


例子:Led by the FBI, thousands of police and military personnel conducted a manhunt for the suspect at large.


manhunt (n.) 疑犯大搜捕


at large (adv. phr) 仍然在逃 


arrest 拘捕, detention 扣留, custody 拘留

例子:[arrest (n.)] The 19-year-old suspect was under arrest at last.

例子:[arrest (v.)] The 19-year-old suspect was arrested at last.

例子:[detention (n.)] A few alleged perpetrators 涉嫌犯案者 were in detention.

例子:[detain (v.)] A few alleged perpetrators were detained for questioning 問話.

例子:[custody (n.)] The suspect is being kept in custody in connection with the bombings.  


custody (n.) 撫養權

例子:The mother is usually awarded custody after the divorce.   


**Key of Reference

(n.) = noun 名詞

(v.) = verb 動詞

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