
Korea ferry disaster



Officers manning the stricken South Korean ferry that sank were hamstrung by indecision and communication problems at the critical moment when deciding whether to evacuate passengers.


man 操作/負責

(verb 動詞)


= operate / be in charge of


stricken 受災的/遭嚴重影響的

(adjective 形容詞)


由基本動詞 strike 演變而成的形容詞非常之多,例如:


  • panic-stricken 驚慌失措的
  • poverty stricken (=very poor)  非常貧窮的
  • grief stricken 悲痛欲絕的


hamstring 阻礙 /束縛

(verb 動詞)


例子:Employees are hamstrung by regulations.


indecision 優柔寡斷

(noun 名詞)

► indecisive (adjective 形容詞)


報道形容船員crippled by indecision,cripple本來意思是「跛足」,在此有「牽絆」之意。不過留意這個字有冒犯性,形容殘疾人士還是用 the physically disabled 為佳。


例子:Crew members were crippled by indecision.


at the critical moment 關鍵/危急的瞬間

(adjective 形容詞)


“at” a moment (在某個時刻) VS  “in” a moment (很快/就快!)
  • at the critical stage


evacuate 疏散

(verb 動詞)


  •  evacuation (noun 名詞)


rescue 拯救

(noun 名詞) / (verb 動詞)


例子:Some passengers were rescued in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.


aftermath 不幸事故發生後

(noun 名詞)


wreck 殘骸/徹底破壞

(noun 名詞/verb 動詞)


例子:Rescuers pulled bodies from the wreck / from the wrecked ship.


wreck 沉船/失事船

(noun 名詞)


= shipwreck (noun 名詞)


a wreck 行屍走肉般的人

(noun 名詞; informal 非正式)


= someone who is very tired, nervous, unhealthy


例子:a nervous wreck 神經崩潰的人


list 傾側

(verb 動詞/noun 名詞)


例子:“The turn could have dislodged heavy cargo, causing it to list and sink.”

例子:The ship had a list to the left.


dislodge 移動

(verb 動詞)



(verb 動詞【英】)


例子:lodge a complaint 發出投訴


Kevin 教室



Conditional sentences 假設句


TYPE 1: If this ferry evacuates passengers, will they be rescued right away?

TYPE 2: If I were the captain, I would evacuate the passengers earlier.

TYPE 3: If this ferry had evacuated passengers earlier, more would have been rescued.


TYPE 2+3: If I were the captain, I would have evacuated the passengers.

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