
Margaret Thatcher


Margaret Thatcher 戴卓爾夫人


Prime minister 首相  (n. phr.)

stroke 中風 (n.)


例子:Margaret Thatcher, who was the former prime minister of the UK, died from a stroke on April 8 at the age of 87.




Margaret Thatcher 戴卓爾 (1979-1990)

John Major 馬卓安 (1990-1997)

Tony Blair 貝理雅 (1997-2007)

Gordon Brown 白高敦 (2007-2010)

David Cameron 卡梅倫 (2010-present)     


political party 政黨

例子:Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the Conservative Party between 1975 and 1990.


The Conservative Party 保守黨

~ right-wing 右翼 political party

(which supports capitalism資本主義)


The Labour Party 工黨

~ left-wing political party

(which supports socialism 社會主義or communism共產主義)


Iron Lady鐵娘子

例子:Thatcher was nicknamed the “Iron Lady” for her uncompromising politics and leadership style. 




Idioms involving “iron”:

rule with an iron hand 鐵腕統治

例子:They ruled the country with an iron hand and anybody who protested was arrested.


an iron fist in a velvet glove 鐵腕手段, 外柔內剛

例子:The president ruled his country by using an iron fist in a velvet glove.


pump iron 舉重鍛練

例子:I should take more exercise, but I’m not interested in pumping iron at a local gym. 


have got many irons in the fire 同時有許多計劃

例子:She’s still got several irons in the fire: her radio programmes, her drama shows and her writing.


strike while the iron is hot 打鐵趁熱, 勿失良機

例子:He seems in a good mood. Why don’t you strike while the iron is hot and ask him now?

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