




什麼是「生態旅遊」What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is "Environmentally responsible travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples."

(Definition by the International Union for Conservation of Nature 國際自然保護聯盟)


environmentally responsible 對環境負責任的


慢著,你可能會說,不是 environmental-friendly 嗎?其實,關鍵就在friendly 的詞性──雖然它以-ly 收結,但它可是形容詞呢!究竟怎麼說才對?Kevin 告訴你!


  • 副詞 adverb + 形容詞adjective:environmentally-friendly
  • 名詞 noun + 形容詞adjective:environment-friendly


同義詞:eco-friendly, nature-friendly, green


conservation 保護

(noun 名詞)


conservationist / environmentalist 環保主義者

(noun 名詞)


同義詞:conserve = save = preserve


與 conserve 有關的名詞不少,背後大有文章!


Conservatism 保守主義

(noun 名詞)




conservative 保守的

(adjective 形容詞)


生態旅遊的特點 Ecotourism possesses the following characteristics:

♦ Conscientious, low-impact visitor behavior
♦ Sensitivity towards, and appreciation of, local cultures and biodiversity
♦ Support for local conservation efforts
♦ Sustainable benefits to local communities
♦ Local participation in decision-making
♦ Educational components for both the traveller and local communities


conscientious 小心翼翼的

(adjective 形容詞)


當心!Conscientious 可與以下的字無關啊!讀音也要注意了,聽聽Kevin怎麼說!


≠conscience 良心 (noun 名詞)

≠conscious 有意識的 (adjective 形容詞)


The increase of visitors to ecologically sensitive areas can lead to significant environmental degradation.


degradation 降格/退化

(noun 名詞)


degrade (verb 動詞)


Local communities and indigenous cultures can be harmed by an influx of foreign visitors and wealth.


indigenous 原居民的

(adjective 形容詞)

= native


Ecotourism can provide a viable economic development alternative for local communities with few other income-generating options.


viable 有能力的

 (adjective 形容詞)


= capable of doing what it is intended to do



Kevin 教室


單數還是眾數? Singular vs. plural


peoples 不同種族的人們 (countable 可數的)

people (很多)人


water 水  vs.  waters 水域

work 工作  vs.  works 作品

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