
Are reality shows really real?



A reality show refers to a genre of television programming that presents purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations and documents actual events.



(noun 名詞)


= a particular type of literature, painting, music, film… a class having its characteristics


humorous  幽默的

(adjective 形容詞)


= amusing in a clever way / witty


humour  (英式串法)  vs.  humor  (美式串法)

雖然美式和英式串法只差一個 “u” 字,但用作形容詞一律沒“u”, 注意了!


► a sense of humour 幽默感

例子:He had enormous charm and a great sense of humour.


► humour 情緒,脾氣

(noun 名詞)

= temper


  • in a good humour / in a bad humour 

例子:He was not clear why his mother had been in such ill humour.


► humour 遷就,迎合

(verb 動詞)


例子:I will try to humour her because I don’t want any more argument.


purportedly 據稱地

(adverb 副詞)


► purport 大概意思

(noun 名詞)


例子:The purport of his comments was clear.


► purport  據稱是

(verb 動詞)


用到 purport,一般有負面意思,尤其是抱有懷疑的時候。


例子:The book purports to tell the whole truth.



Criticism  對「真人騷」的批評

Reality shows have been subject to significant criticism since the genre first rose to worldwide popularity in the 1990s. Much of the criticism has centered around the use of the word "reality", and such shows' attempt to present themselves as a straightforward recounting of events that have occurred.

Critics have argued that reality television shows do not present reality in ways both implicit (participants being placed in unusual situations) and deceptive or even fraudulent, such as misleading editing, participants being coached in what to say or how to behave, storylines generated ahead of time, and scenes being staged or re-staged for the cameras.


subject to  vs.  subjected to


以上兩個用法,有什麼分別?分別就是,第一個subject 為 形容詞, 另一個subject 則是動詞。內容的細緻分別如下:


be subject to



1. 容易遭受 (批評)

2.   受……管制

= 須服從 (規矩或法律)

例子:The discount is subject to certain conditions.


subject someone to sth bad 使遭受,使經歷,使蒙受

(verb 動詞)


例子:The man subjected his wife to two years of beatings.


be subjected to  (usually passive 通常作被動式)

(verb 動詞)


例子:His bad behaviour may be subjected to punishment.


deceptive 誤導的,騙人的

(adjective 形容詞)


= misleading


例子:Appearances can be deceptive.


fraudulent 騙人的,虛假的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:This shopkeeper has been making fraudulent claims about his products.


center around 圍繞著


recount 憶述

(verb 動詞 / noun 名詞)

= tell or describe a story / count again



Kevin 教室




1. 正方形的 (noun 名詞)


2. 四方形的 (adjective 形容詞)


3. 平方米/平方英里


4. 成直角的

例子:a square corner   成直角的拐角 , a square jaw   方下巴, square shoulders   寬肩膀


5. a square deal = honest and fair treatment (especially in business) 公平對待; 公平交易


6. a square meal = a good satisfying meal 豐盛的一頓飯


7. be all square = 比分相同,平局


8. (all) square -informal 兩不欠賬的


9. square (slang 俚語) = nerdy 老套的

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