
Flood Wall Street





Flood Wall Street demonstrators, primarily dressed in blue to represent climate change-induced flooding, marched to New York City’s financial centre to “highlight the role of Wall Street in fueling the climate crisis,” according to organisers.


induce 導致

(verb 動詞)


例子:The cause of her headaches was stress-induced.


induce (婦產科用語) 催生

(verb 動詞)


例子: The doctor had to induce the patient because her contractions were not strong enough.


fuel 加強;激起

(verb 動詞)


例子:Remember not to talk on the mobile phone when fueling the car.

例子:Jenny's flirtatious remarks fueled Jimmy's desire for her.



Although many protesters set out with the aim of getting arrested, the crowd’s relations with police were considerably less adversarial compared to those of Occupy Wall Street, which happened in the same part of the city.


adversarial  對立的;對抗的;敵對的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The relationship between the President and Congress should not be adversarial.

例子:They grew up as best friends but became competitive and adversarial in college.


  • Synonyms 同義詞:  hostile; antagonistic
  • Antonyms 反義詞:  friendly; sympathetic



“I think it’s bullshit,” said John, a broker who did not want his last name or the firm he works identified. He said that the protests were obnoxious and that climate change is a scam created by Al Gore to make money.


bullshit  亂噏,胡説,屁話

(noun, slang 名詞, 俗語)


文中的 broker 指股票經紀,卻令Crystal想起 broke 與 broken 的分別──當然不止時態有異啦!


broker 股票經紀



例子:John always enjoyed the stock market so he became a broker.


► broke 一文不名的,沒錢的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:After spending all his money on fancy technology, he ended up broke.


► broken 損壞的,破損的;出了毛病的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The clock was broken so Nancy didn't wake up on time for school.


scam 騙局




“There should be no question that the United States of America is,” he said. “We recognize our role in creating this problem; we embrace our responsibility to combat it.”


stepping up to the plate 開始行動;接受挑戰

(idiom 慣用語)


有打棒球的朋友,對 step up to the plate 應該不陌生──握好球棒,準備打擊是也!


例子:Henry has got to step up onto the plate and confront the crisis. 


embrace 擁抱 (引申為接受)

(verb 動詞)


例子: We need to embrace our new environment in order to adapt easier.

例子: Many Asian cultures do not believe in embracing in public.


combat 戰鬥

(verb 動詞)


例子:We can combat our fears by understanding the cause.

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