
Drag queens in China



今天,花木蘭的故事有一百八十度轉變,男性扮作女兒身漸成風氣,且在網路上找到安身之處,外國遂有 drag queen (扮裝皇后)一說。他們在內地過著怎樣的生活?


It seemed like something out of a movie.  Intrigued, Ms. Kikuchi wanted to know more about this woman, who seemed so determined. Their encounter led to an exploration of drag queen culture in China, which, despite its history of theatrical cross dressing, is not particularly known for open views on sexuality.


intrigued (尤指因奇怪、不尋常或神秘而)使很感興趣,迷住

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The audience was intrigued by the suspenseful plot of the play.

例子: The reporter found the drag queen very intriguing in her gender identity issues.


determined 下定決心的

 (adjective 形容詞)


例子:Lily was determined to find out the results of the test.

例子:Harry was determined to finish the race despite being over tired.


despite 儘管

(preposition 介詞)


例子:Despite her disability, Christine was able to win the competition.


encounter 偶遇



例子:The diver had a thrilling encounter with a shark.

例子:Sally will never forget her romantic encounter during her vacation in Thailand.


exploration 探測;勘查;探索;研究



Crystal’s Slang Time!


drag queen 扮裝皇后



1) Someone or something that slows things down 慢半拍的人

2) Someone boring 沉悶的人


例子: Paul is such a drag, he always ruins the atmosphere with his negative attitude.

例子:Look what the cat dragged in. (Imply someone looking like a drowned rat)

例子:Don't drag your feet when you walk.

例子:The teenager was pressured into taking a drag of smoke.



Awareness changed completely,” she said, suggesting that advances in technology have played a large role. What once could not be published in books began appearing online — including the very notion that there are different ways to express sexuality.


awareness 意識



► aware 有意識的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Aren't you aware of how much I care for you?

例子:David wasn't aware of the dangers around him.





1) Moving forward 前進;

例子:Social media has advanced the way we communicate tremendously.


2) Taking advantage of 追求

例子:Johnny was so smooth with his advances that Kelly didn't even realize he was taking advantage of her.


notion 觀念;看法



例子:Frank has an innocent notion that most people are honest people.



Ms. Kikuchi sees a divide between the younger population she photographed in Chongqing and the older drag queens in Beijing. Those born after the late 1980s, she said, have more fluid notions of sexuality. They also tend to be more confident in expressing their sexuality.


(adjective 形容詞)


1) Capable of flowing freely like water 流水般的;

例子:The dancer has such fluid motions, it is beautiful to watch.


2) A liquid substance 液體的

例子:Since you have the flu, you need to drink more fluids.


confident 自信的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:There is a theory that children who are more loved at home become more confident people.

例子:I am confident I can reach a higher mark in my exam this time.




► confidential 機密的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Please don't tell him about my new job.  It's confidential.

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