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美國Wesleyan University一個網上社會心理學課程有260,000名學生,這個號稱世界上最多人上的課,魅力何在?


來自印度的學員Dr. Balesh Jindal 響應期末習作,嘗試更有同理心地過活,焦點最後落在提升少男少女的性知識:


She is paving a new way for women to protect themselves in India, where there has been anger at a number of high-profile rape cases and concern about the availability of sex education.


pave a way (for sth) (為… ) 鋪路 / 做準備


例子:The road was paved with concrete.

例子:All these lessons are supposed to help you pave the way to a better education.


high-profile 高調的 / 知名的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:That restaurant attracts many high-profile socialites to dine there.


► profile 個人檔案 / 輪廓


例子: Jonathon has a very distinct profile with his sharp nose.


availability 獲得途徑 / 可得性

(noun 名詞)


例子:Availability of water is scarce in many countries.


► available 有空

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:I am available to talk to if you are having problems with your friends.


拜科技所賜,不管你身在何地,也可以透過 webcam 上課,還可以做測驗!

Prof Plous, professor of psychology at Wesleyan, teaches via a webcam and intersperses his lessons with video footage of psychology experiments and quizzes.


via 經由,通過,透過

(preposition 介詞)


例子: Bobby flew to Hawaii via Japan.


intersperse 散佈;點綴


例子:You can decorate your room by interspersing some photos with some paintings.


為了令同學實踐同理心的功課,Prof Plous挑戰他們進行一個廿四小時的實驗:

Prof Plous says he asks students to think about the person they were during the 24-hour period and if they preferred that person, to "break down the barriers" between the compassionate and every day version of themselves.


break down barriers 打破障礙


例子:If you are having communication problems with your partner, sometimes you need to have a good argument to break down barriers.


compassionate 有同情心的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The teacher was so compassionate with her students that she often brought them to her home for tea.



Crystal’s Slang Time!


一break多用,總有派上用場的時候… …


  • break up 分手

正所謂: If you really love somebody, set them free.  If they don't come back, it wasn't meant to be.


  • break bad  好人突入歧途

  • breaking news 突發事件 / 最新消息

  • break bread 擘餅,後借代為分享

例子:Pass me a drink, break bread with your old buddy.

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