
Control freak


職場怪事多,控制狂隨時就在身邊!如果身受其害,有什麼自保法門?Kevin 和 Crystal 會為你出謀獻策!


control freak 支配慾極強的人



(noun 名詞)


1. XX迷

例子:food freak, movie freak


2. 怪異的人


例子:He has been considered freaks at school because of his strange behaviours.


3. 畸形生物

例子:One of the sankes was a freak - it had two heads.


► a freak of nature 怪異的事


例子:By some freak of nature there was a snowstorm in June.   天公作怪,六月飛霜。


freak 突然發怒 [害怕]

(verb 動詞)


例子:He freaked when he heard his wife was coming back.  


freak 反常的

(adjective 形容詞)


• freak accident/storm/conditions etc. 


例子:A freak wave destroyed most of the sea-front.  一個異乎尋常的大浪損毀了大部分濱海區。


freak out 心煩意亂; 嚇得要死

(phrasal verb 片語動詞)


例子:I freaked out completely the first time I went onstage.

例子:It freaked me out to see her depressed.  看到他這樣垂頭喪氣﹐我心煩意亂。




Experts on controlling relationships say moving on is often the best and only successful tactic for ending the harsh treatment - at work and in personal relationships. That’s in large part because control-prone people likely won't change. 


-prone 有… 傾向的


例子:accident prone

例子:She is a girl who is accident-prone.  容易出事的女孩



(adjective 形容詞)


1. 很可能…的; 有…傾向的


例子:Some plants are prone to a particular disease .   有些植物容易生某種特定的疾病。


2. [formal] 俯臥的


例子:Sam lay prone in his bed.


► prone to do sth


例子:Girls are all prone to eat something sweet. 往往都喜歡吃甜的




Controlling behaviour from a colleague or boss has various origins - some you might not have considered. Perhaps your colleague is afraid of losing his position, or perhaps he is hiding his own incompetence, insecurities or fears.


incompetence 無能

(noun 名詞)


► competence [competence = competency] 能力


• incompetent 無能/無能的人

(adjective / noun 形容詞 / 名詞)


例子:He is surrounded by incompetents. 他身邊都是無能的人。


• competent 有能力的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He is a competent teacher.

例子:He is competent to teach. / He is competent in teaching.




Strategy 1: Dissect and understand 剖析狀況


dissect  解剖 / 剖析

(verb 動詞)


例子:We dissected a frog in biology class.

例子:People want to dissect his work and question his motives.


► dissection (noun 名詞)


Strategy 2: Say stop, mean stop 勇敢喊停


"Sometimes people don't want to speak out because they feel their job is in jeopardy."


in jeopardy = in danger 有危機


"If you have a weak boundary, controllers steamroll over it."


steamroll〔以權力﹑影響力〕強迫﹐迫使; 強行

(verb 動詞)


Strategy 3: Manage and minimize 減低傷害


"I can cling to it and suffer, or I can let it go, take a deep cleansing breath. Look in the windshield instead of the rear-view mirror."


cling to sth. 堅持

(verb 動詞)


例子: I can cling to it and suffer, or I can let it go.


Kevin 教室


Subject pronouns and object pronouns


Wrong: A weird woman sat between you and I.
Correct: A weird woman sat between you and me.


The subject is the one that does things. (He sees me)

The object is the one who has the thing done to him. (He sees me)


Therefore it should be:


• This secret is between you and me - “you and me” (object)

• I know him.

• Crystal and I are the hosts of English in News.

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