
Teenagers join ISIS




The apparent trend of studious, seemingly driven young women leaving home to join violent jihadists has become disturbingly familiar.


apparent 顯而易見的;看似的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The apparent agreement between the two political groups allowed everyone to relax a little.


seemingly 似乎

(adverb 副詞)


例子:Lucy is seemingly intelligent with her sharp reactions.


disturbingly 令人擔憂

(adverb 副詞)


例子:Terrorist attacks have become disturbingly common.




“Your actions are a perverted and evil distortion of Islam,” the family said in their statement.


perverted 反常的;變態的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:That coach has a perverted way of shouting at his team.


distortion 歪曲

(noun 名詞)


例子:The music was so loud that it distorted the sound.




 “It is those young people who are liked, who are smart, who think, who are caring, who are ripe for radicalisation,” he said, not the outcasts.


ripe 成熟的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Teenagers are like ripe peaches, ready for eating.


radical 激進的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Radicalism is defined as opinions and behaviour of people who favour extreme changes especially in government.





Women who join the Islamic State try to entice other women to marry militants and help them build a new, retrograde Islamic society.


entice 誘惑;誘使;引誘

(verb 動詞)


例子:Many young ladies get into trouble when bad men entice them with attractive gifts.


retrograde 倒退的;退步的;惡化的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:One reason why Islam is considered retrograde is because of the way they treat their women.



Crystal's Slang Time




pervert 變態

(noun 名詞)


  • creep 討厭鬼,令人噁心的人(尤指男人)(noun 名詞)
  • freak 怪物;奇物;怪人;另類 (noun 名詞)
  • gross 極其令人厭惡的;令人噁心的;令人不快的 (adjective 形容詞)
  • sleazeball 無恥之徒,下流胚子 (noun 名詞)
  • sick-o(尤指男性的)精神病人,性變態者 (noun 名詞)
  • weirdo 怪人 (noun 名詞)

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