


有人最怕粉筆刮落黑板的聲音... ...

有人討厭聽到咀嚼食物時的聲響... ...



以上反應,英文原來叫 Misophonia,中譯「選擇性聲音敏感綜合症」!


Misophonia (“hatred of sound”) is sometimes referred to as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, a condition with which certain sounds can drive someone into a burst of rage or disgust.


burst 爆發

(noun 名詞)


例子:Jenny had a sudden burst of energy after eating all the chocolate.


rage 暴怒

(noun 名詞)


例子:Christine was full of rage when her husband came home late.


disgust 厭惡,憎惡,反感

(noun 名詞)


例子:David was full of disgust when he saw the sewage leak.




But some experts question whether misophonia really exists. By naming it, are we giving too much credence to a series of symptoms that are no big deal?


credence 支持;相信,信任

(noun 名詞)


例子:I don't give much credence to gossip.




A study identified the most common irritants as eating sounds, including lip smacking and swallowing; breathing sounds, such as nostril noises and sneezing; and hand sounds, such as typing and pen clicking.


irritants 刺激物

(noun 名詞)


例子:Air pollution can cause irritants to the eye.


smack 摑;撞;猛摔

(verb 動詞)


例子: The ball hit her smack in the face.

例子:The meal was lip smackingly delicious.




Chewing noises, particularly from behind me, are enormously irritating, as are people who perpetually sniff their mucus back into their nostrils rather than blowing their noses and ending the noise.


enormously 巨大地

(adverb 副詞)


例子:The fundraising event was enormously successful.


perpetually 不斷重複的;永無休止的

(adverb 副詞)


例子: The perpetual sound of the waves made him fall asleep.

例子:I can't stand it when people perpetually clear their throat.

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