
California needs water!




For more than a century, California has been the state where people flocked for a better life, shimmering with ambition and dreams, money and beauty. It was the cutting-edge symbol of possibility.


shimmer 發出微弱的閃光,閃爍

(verb 動詞)


例子: The sea was shimmering under the bright sunlight.


ambition 抱負;志向;雄心;野心

(noun 名詞)


例子:People with strong ambition tend to be very confident.






This state has survived many a catastrophe before — and defied the doomsayers who have regularly proclaimed the death of the California dream.


defy 對抗;違抗;反抗

(verb 動詞)


例子: Tony defied all odds in winning the lottery.


doomsayer 預言者 (特別指常報凶兆者)

(noun 名詞)


例子: The doomsayers were very skeptical about the new leader's abilities.




The governor’s executive order mandates a 25 percent overall reduction in water use throughout the state, to be achieved with varying requirements in different cities and villages.


mandate 授權;委任

(verb 動詞/ noun 名詞)


例子: The government's new mandate means people will need to take very quick showers.




Now, with utilities paying people to replace thirsty traditional grass turf with water-sipping native plants and other drought-tolerant shrubbery, long-held aesthetics are shifting.


shrubbery 灌木叢;灌木林

(noun 名詞)


► drought-tolerant shrubbery 耐旱灌木林


aesthetics 美學觀念

(noun 名詞)


 aesthetic 美學的

   (adjective 形容詞)


例子: The modern interpretation of the classic story showed the company's aesthetic strength.



Crystal’s slang time


drought 乾旱/ 好dry

(adjective 形容詞)


= dry spell, horny


► Opposite of drought 反義詞: tropics 性活躍的


不過,把最後一個 “s” 字拿走,意思就不同了!


tropic 正/ 型/ 酷

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:Check out this new song, it's tropic!


thirsty 過分熱心/ 饑渴 (諷刺語)

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He keeps sending me messages to go out.  Way too thirsty.

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