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Saudi women at work
五一勞動節,Crystal 和 Kevin 帶大家到沙地阿拉伯走一趟,看看當地的工作情況。
albeit 雖然;儘管
(conjunction 連接詞)
= although
例子: The company approved a new regulation to protect women, albeit with conditions.
The so-called Saudization programmes set quotas for how many Saudi staff companies in various sectors must employ in a bid to wean the Kingdom off its dependence on expatriates and reduce unemployment rates.
wean 給(嬰兒)斷奶;停止倚賴
(verb 動詞)
例子:Mary should wean her baby before going back to work.
例子: The doctor is trying to wean her off her sleeping pills.
Under Saudi law, all women and girls are required to have a male guardian. That guardian can be their father, brother, husband, or even a son, and he has to grant the woman permission to do a range of things from travelling, working, marrying, divorcing, opening a bank account and having medical procedures.
guardian 監護人
(noun 名詞)
例子:Sally truly believes that she has a guardian angel, protecting her from bad things.
Not allowing women to drive is a major roadblock to getting women into work.
roadblock 路障;障礙
(noun 名詞)
例子: The biggest roadblock to his success is his inability to listen to other people's opinions.
There has also been criticism that deliberately separating women from men in the workplace leads to further segregation in Saudi society and does nothing to improve social cohesion in the longer term.
(noun 名詞)
例子: There was so much racial tension in the American South in the 60s due to segregation.
cohesion 凝聚(力);團結
(noun 名詞)
例子:The lack of cohesion in the political party caused many arguments.
Saudi terms:
- member of the Saudi police force in charge of enforcing dress code and public behaviour.
- an offense consisting of being caught alone in private with a member of the opposite sex who is not an immediate family member.
-women are expected to enter and exit through special doors
Hijab - head cover
Niqab -face veil
Abaya - full cloak/robe worn by Saudi women to cover the entire body
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