
International migration




In 2013, there were 232 million "international migrants" in the world. This figure includes refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants - anyone who has crossed a border, legally or illegally, to escape disaster or simply to pursue a better life.


migrant 移民者

(noun 名詞)


根據聯合國定義,國際移民(International Migrants)是在出生地以外居住超過一年的人。


migrate 移民;移居

(verb 動詞)


例子:He migrates from New York to Florida each winter.



refugee, asylum seeker 難民,尋求庇護者

(noun 名詞) 





1 取代,替代


例子:Coal is being displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy. 


2 使〔人或動物的羣體〕離開原來的生活之地;使流離失所;迫使流亡


例子:The war has displaced thousands of people.

例子: The hurricane displaced most of the town's residents.


3 取代(某人)職位


例子: Many of the company's workers were displaced [=replaced] by machines.




Syria is the main country of origin of asylum seekers in the industrialised world. This huge, growing exodus is one big reason why the number of forcibly displaced people in the world is now higher than it's been at any time since World War Two.


exodus (大批人的)退出,離開

(noun 名詞)


例子: There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.



staggering 驚人的,令人震驚的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子: staggering medical bills

例子: The storm caused a staggering amount of damage.


► staggeringly 驚人的,令人震驚地

(adverb 副詞)


例子: The bills are staggeringly large.



IDIOMS 慣用語時間


tell its own tale 顯而易見


例子: She may smile in public, but the expression in her eyes tells its own tale.

例子: You see there are the marks of wheels , and the cars crashed here ; the marks tells its own tale.  你看,有車輪的跡印,汽車就在這裡相撞,事情已經很明顯了。



(noun 名詞)


1 故事tales of far-off lands   異國他鄉的故事

2〔未必完全真實的〕陳述;傳說,傳聞:tales of his life in post-war Berlin   有關他在戰後柏林的生活傳聞


tell tales 向上級誣告;搬弄是非


Samantha ' s been telling tales to the teacher again.  薩曼莎又在對老師說別人的壞話了。

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