
The ideal body


時興苗條,肌肉男也大有市場,如此審美觀,從何而來?大英博物館最近的展覽《Defining Beauty》,展出古希臘的雕像,對比當年今日,二千五百年過去,我們對完美體態的定義有否轉變?兩位主持大談人體線條的吸引力!




Our modern idea of the perfect body is largely unchanged from that of the Ancient Greeks.


It is remarkable how familiar the ideas of physical perfection they embody are to us today.


The ancient ideas still have an enormous impact on how we view ourselves and our bodies.




The Defining Beauty exhibition at the British Museum gathers together works of art from prehistoric figurines to breathtakingly realistic sculptures of the age of Alexander the Great.


figurine 〔裝飾用的瓷製〕小塑像,小雕像

(noun 名詞)


vs sculpture 雕塑


breathtaking 令人驚嘆的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:the breathtaking natural beauty of the scene  令人驚嘆的自然美景

例子:he is such a man of quite breathtaking stupidity (= he is extremely stupid)


breathtakingly (adverb 副詞)




The Ancient Greeks were obsessed with the human body and how they could represent it – as a thing of beauty and a bearer of meaning.


be obsessed + with 為…著迷


obsession 困擾;癡迷;無法擺脫的念頭;念念不忘的事(或人)

(noun 名詞)


例子:He's always wanted to find his natural mother but recently it's become an obsession.


the bearer of …


… a message

= the person who brings it to you 帶信人


例子:I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news (but I have to tell you…).


… a document, a right, an official position

= the person who possesses it = holder 〔證件的〕持有者


pallbearer 〔葬禮中的〕扶靈人,抬棺者

(noun 名詞)


Kevin 教室




A sculpture is a three-dimensional work of art made by shaping stone, wood, metal, etc.

A statue is a sculpture in the shape of a person or animal.


A statue is a large sculpture of a person or an animal. It is usually made of stone or any other metal like bronze. (replica of a living creature)


= an image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large 雕像; 塑像


例子:a bronze statue of a horse 一座馬的銅像

例子:Statue of Liberty 自由神像

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