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Lead contamination crisis
contamination 污染
(noun 名詞)
► contaminate (verb 動詞)
例子:The pool is closed for swimming until the contamination is identified.
例子:Make sure not to allow bacteria to contaminate the wound.
例子:Please do not contaminate the white paint with any of the other colors.
(noun 名詞)
► disastrous (adjective 形容詞)
1. 災難
- environmental disaster 環境災難
- social disaster 社會災難
- personal disasters 個人的不幸
例子:The tsunami was one of the worst natural disasters in the world. 海嘯是世界上其中一種最嚴重的天然災難
2. 失敗
例子:a complete disaster 徹底的失敗
例子:The birthday party was a complete disaster. 這個生日派對是徹底失敗
► disastrous 災難性
(adjective 形容詞)
例子:The town was destroyed by a disastrous fire. 整個城市被一場災難性的大火摧毀
例子:The typhoon could have a disastrous effect on the country's tourism industry.
roll bigger and bigger like a snowball 雪球愈滾愈大
► snowball effect 雪球效應
roll 滾動,捲起
(verb 動詞)
1. 翻滾
例子:He rolled out of bed. 他從床上滾了下來
2. 特別指(睡過頭之後)起床
例子:He rolled out of bed just before noon. 他睡到接近中午才起床
3. to be rolling in the aisles 笑聲不斷
例子:The comedy that has audiences rolling in the aisles 這齣喜劇令觀眾笑聲不斷
drag 拖
(verb 動詞)
to drag somebody/sth into/to sth . 把某人/某事硬扯到某事中
例子:Three more public housing estates were dragged into the crisis 再多三個公共屋邨被捲入這次危機當中
drag on 拖拉
(phrasal verb 片語動詞)
例子:The meeting dragged on for almost a week. 會議拖拉了接近一個星期
snowball’s chance in hell 完全沒有機會
= a very poor chance / no chance at all (usually negative)
例子:Peter doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting it done before deadline.
Peter 不可能在死線前完成工作
例子:With those grades he hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of getting into university.
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