
Narcissistic children



不過,一句讚美,原來不可輕易出口,以免小孩落入自戀陷阱!為什麼?聽聽 Kevin 和 Jo 引述外國研究分析吧!


Parents who praise children too much may encourage narcissism.    [The Guardian]


narcissism 自戀

(noun 名詞)


例子:He suffers from narcissism because he always admires himself.


► narcissistic 自戀的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:People who are narcissistic tend to be self-absorbed.


self-absorbed 自私的;專心於自己的事務(或利益)的

(adjective 形容詞)


► absorbed + in 全神貫注的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He is absorbed in his work   專心讀書/工作


to get or become absorbed in sth  對某事物著迷


► absorbed in sbd 對某人非常著迷


例子:They were completely absorbed in each other.


= be engrossed in

              例子:He is totally engrossed in his work.


praise 讚美

(verb動詞 / noun 名詞)


= commendation


laud 讚賞

(verb 動詞) [lɔːd]

例子:Some parents may laud their children too much.


► lauded 廣受讚譽的

(adjective 形容詞)


= admired

例子:The most lauded actor in Hong Kong.




Parental warmth and encouragement may be a better strategy than inflating the ego.


inflate the ego 自負


► inflate 充氣

(verb 動詞)


例子:inflate a balloon


► inflate 膨脹

= increase (inflation通貨膨脹)


ego 自尊

ego = a sense of own worth


例子:a blow to his ego  對自尊心的打擊

例子:He has an inflated ego 自負


Kevin 教室

self- (可配搭不同字眼作形容詞或名詞)


  • self-absorbed 自大的
  • self-esteem 自尊
  • selfish 自私的
  • self-centred 自我中心的
  • self-conscious 自覺的


例子:This is a self-destructive behaviour. 這是自毀的行徑。

例子:He is a self-proclaimed expert. 他自稱是專家。


self-assembly 自行裝嵌的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:He bought a self-assembly chair.


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