
Fast food store refugees




On a major road in the working class neighbourhood of Sham Shui Po, a pair of bright yellow arches beckons visitors into a 24-hour fast food outlet. As night falls, the fast-food restaurant becomes a temporary hostel, attracting dozens of the city's poorest people.


arch 拱

(noun 名詞)


  • a Norman/Gothic arch 諾曼式半圓拱/哥特式尖拱
  • a triumphal arch 凱旋門


例子:an arch in the cat's back



arch 呈弓形/使成弓形

(verb 動詞)


 to arch one's back 拱起背

例子:The cat arched its back.


例子:Winnie arched her eyebrows in surprise. Winnie彎起雙眉,露出驚訝表情。

例子:That tree arches over the main road.  那棵大樹覆蓋主要道路。

例子:Yoga teacher arched backward to begin the exercise.  瑜伽老師背向後彎,開始練習。



(verb 動詞)


1. 向…示意

  • to beckon sb in   示意某人進去
  • to beckon to sb to do sth   示意某人做某事

例子:John beckoned the waiter to come over.


2. 吸引

例子:New adventures are beckoning.




Although similar crowds can be found at these outlets all over Asia - especially in Japan and mainland China - an aging population, unaffordable property prices and stagnant wages all conspire to make the problem particularly acute in Hong Kong.


unaffordable 負擔不起的(adjective 形容詞)



(verb 動詞)


1. 負擔

例子:They were too poor to afford a doctor.

例子:My mother always remind me don't spend more than I can afford.


2. 提供

例子:The window afforded a magnificent view of the beach.  從這個窗戶可以看到海灘的美景。


affordability  負擔能力

(noun 名詞)


例子:the affordability of health care


affordable 負擔得起的

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:We should buy a more affordable car.

例子:The government provides an affordable housing to citizens.

例子:an affordable price


stagnant 停滯不動

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:There is a stagnant puddle in the garden.


  • stagnant air 凝滯的空氣
  • a stagnant economy 停滯不前的經濟
  • stagnant wages 薪金停滯



(verb 動詞)


1. 密謀

  • to conspire against sb /sth    陰謀反對某人/某事物
  • to conspire to do sth   密謀做某事

例子:Seven people were accused of conspiring to overthrow the government.


2. 共同起作用

  • to conspire to do sth   共同導致某事
  • everything conspired to make her life a misery   他命運多舛
  • to conspire against sb /sth   共同與某人/某事物作對


例子:His illness and the bad weather conspired to ruin his vacation.

例子:Several things conspired to force govenment to change the policy.


acute 極度的

(adjective 形容詞)

  • an acute crisis
  • acute awareness
  • acute pain/infection
  • acute symptoms
  • an acute disease


IDIOMS 慣用語時間


Every cloud has a silver lining  黑暗中總有一線光明/雨過天青


例子:I'm sorry your business is going badly, but don't despair. Every cloud has a silver lining.

例子:Even though you lost the race, every cloud has a silver lining. This race helped to motivate you to lose weight and get back into shape.



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