
The Panama Papers


The Panama Papers are an unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from the database of the world’s fourth biggest offshore law firm. The records were obtained from an anonymous source by a German newspaper. The documents show the myriad ways in which the rich can exploit secretive offshore tax regimes.    [The Guardian]


巴拿馬文件揭密,揭露各國名人以離岸公司轉移資產、瞞稅、避稅,全球富豪、政要榜上有名。冰島領導人率先落馬,ICIJ(國際調查記者同盟)表示資料陸續有來。巴拿馬文件「見光」猶如重磅炸彈,今集 Jo & Kevin 會跟大家談談它的重要性!


unprecedented 空前,史無前例

(adjective 形容詞)


例子:The company has enjoyed unprecedented success this year. 公司今年獲得史無前例的成功。
例子:An unprecedented number of students are taking the seminar. 從未試過有這麼多學生參加研討會。



(adjective 形容詞)


1. 近海的;向海的

例子:They sailed to an offshore island.  他們駛向近海的一個小島。

2. 境外的  / 離岸  

an offshore fund/tax haven 境外基金/避稅港

例子:They opened an offshore bank account few years ago.  他們幾年前開設了一個離岸銀行戶口。
例子:Mary transfers the money to an offshore investment company.  Mary將錢轉到離岸投資公司。



(adjective 形容詞)


1. 匿名的 

例子:He wants to remain anonymous. 他不希望披露姓名。
例子:An anonymous buyer purchased the flat. 不具名的買家購置了這個單位。

2. 無個性特徵的  

例子:an anonymous little city 普普通通的小城





無數 (noun 名詞)

例子:a myriad of sth, myriads of sth

例子:My teacher cites myriad of possibilities for the problem. 老師列舉無數解決這個問題的可能性


無數的 (adjective 形容詞)

例子:myriad colours 色彩斑斕

例子:We remember the myriad ways he helped the needy in his lifetime. 我們都記得他生前幫助過無數有需要的人士。


exploit 剝削; 濫用; 利用

(verb 動詞)


例子:The company are accused of exploiting migrant workers.  該公司涉嫌剝削外勞。

例子:John has never fully exploited his talents.  John沒有充份利用其才華。



a hot potato 燙手山芋

燙手山芋,無人想接;諱莫如深,皆因擔心惹禍上身。惹火話題在前,某些公眾人物,少不免「封口」以對。「燙手山芋」,英文就是 a hot potato!

例子:The same-sex marriage is a political hot potato in the United States.
例子:The candidate tried to avoid taking a strong stand on political hot potatoes like abortion.

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